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Deleted user

yeah they’re pussies

lol we’re just fighting back and they’re like :00000

Deleted user

am I the only one who doesn’t mind boomers


jk lol i mind certain boomers

Deleted user

am I the only one who doesn’t mind boomers

considering that you have a similar mindset to them–no it is not a surprise

Deleted user

am I the only one who doesn’t mind boomers

considering that you have a similar mindset to them–no it is not a surprise

holy shit


Maybe it’s just cause I only really know and talk to like 4 of them but all the ones I’ve met are incredibly kind and supportive people
I don’t understand why everyone hates them so much, is there something I’m missing?

I have like one brain cell and need people to explain seemingly common knowledge to me

@Moxie group

It's alright Nutella. Me too and I don't think I'm dumb.

You don't think you're dumb? I feel like everyone thinks they're dumb.

@HighPockets group

Hmm, good question!
I would say YA and NA, because while some stories do focus on fully teen casts, others do not, but I wouldn't say they're adult adult.
Weirdly enough, I would consider the first fae story I'm working on to be YA, but its sequel NA (due to the introduction of several adult characters, and the darker themes explored in it). The stuff with the older adults (Geneva, Jackson, Victor, and Henry) is new adult because they're adults, and also it gets dark at times, especially when Gen and Victor are involved. The quasi-dystopian stuff is in that weird area where there's nothing really adult about it, but the characters tend to be 18+ as opposed to younger.

To elaborate:
Fae: Has a lot of older characters and also has some darker themes and generally mature stuff
Twyllo: Older cast, but not much mature content besides some war stuff.
Ehre: Probably YA? It deals a lot with neglect and abuse though, and has a handful of POV characters who are adults. Also about corrupt governments.
Creston: YA aged characters but is also set in a fucking chaotic anarchy so who knows what'll happen.
Detectives: All adult cast, deals heavily with grief, guilt, and abuse. Also like murder and stuff.
High School: YA, because it's high school.

@Moxie group

Well, sometimes I do. But then I think, "If I'm dumb, most everyone is even dumber so…"

I am dumb and so is everyone else. Everyone's dumb sometimes.

@HighPockets group

Many boomers are self absorbed jerks who refuse to be open minded. And I don't mean on any specific thing. Just in general.

That's true. I feel like boomers don't have the understanding that Gen Z/Millenials do if that makes sense? Like, our generations don't care if the takeout is a little late, but boomers want to talk to your manager about it.