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@Starfast group

Was it racist though?

He singled out immigrants for not wearing poppies even though lots of non-immigrants weren't wearing them. So yeah, I'd say so.

Deleted user

so I saw this the other day and thought it would be an interesting thing to talk about.

Is Atheism a religion?

Deleted user

No, not in my opinion. I’m an atheist but I’m also pretty educated in religion because I have a few friends who follow certain ones and introduced me into it.

They practice and pray to things that atheists do not believe in, so they therefore do not have any “higher power” to commit themselves to.

Not to offend anyone, but a lot of people are atheists for the religious freedoms (not that I am), while most just don’t believe in a higher power.

Deleted user

I don't think so either. Ive just seen athiests say "it's my religion" and Im just like 'huh?'

Deleted user

Not that I have anything against atheists, but I think it’s hella bold to say there is no divine entity. Agnosticism is what makes way more sense.

Why do you say this?

Deleted user

I didn't mean for you to think I was questioning you, I was more curious.

But yes even I think it is small minded to think so.

@HighPockets group

I'm not really sure. On the one hand, I don't think atheism's really a religion bc it's a lack of belief in a higher power, and it doesn't really have the traditions/actions/whatever of other religions. On the other hand, I don't know what else to call it.