forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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people_alt 109 followers

@HighPockets group

Good example for your point Jyn!

Not to mention with how vague the restrictions are people have been coming under fire for: having animated avatars, discussing animation (even if it's adult animation), talking about LEGOs, using bright colors, discussing shows and movies that kids like, and more.

@Moxie group

Teachers are literally just people. I'm sure almost everyone here could share some horror story about some stupid teacher. Think about your stupidest teacher. Would you really trust them with a gun?


imagine some crazy terrorist man running down the school hall, leaving dead children behind him. you're cowering under a desk, praying for your life, and suddenly BANG your history teacher is standing over the psycho, who is now wounded and incapable of killing anyone else.

Deleted user

idk every time i think of arming teachers I think of my stupid but lovable band director accidentally shooting herself and that’s not a way i want my BD to go

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

And that is assuming the teacher won't end up being the one to shoot the school up. I have met plenty of teachers who if they had a bad day and went to school with a gun, someone would end up shot.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

hey random unpopular opinion:
give teachers guns so they can prevent school shootings

I'm down. The objections seem to be what would happen if someone who shouldn't have a gun having a gun. The answer is don't give a gun to literally anyone. Give it to those who both want it and have passed multiple gun tests.

@Moxie group

And that is assuming the teacher won't end up being the one to shoot the school up. I have met plenty of teachers who if they had a bad day and went to school with a gun, someone would end up shot.

Yeah, that's a good point. Kids are assholes. And adults are not always stable. Personally, I don't want to have a new problem and fear for my life if my teacher is already having a bad day and some asshole in the back makes a comment. That's just a new, worse problem because in that case, we gave the teachers the guns.


hey random unpopular opinion:
give teachers guns so they can prevent school shootings

I'm down. The objections seem to be what would happen if someone who shouldn't have a gun having a gun. The answer is don't give a gun to literally anyone. Give it to those who both want it and have passed multiple gun tests.

plus I'd rather be taught by a teacher who I could trust to have a firearm whether he/she has one on him/her or not

@Mojack group

I really don’t feel safe if the teachers have guns.

I guess I’m biased because I live in Canada where the gun laws are different, but thinking about that makes me a bit unnerved and upset. I know they’re my teachers, and I’ve had generally good teachers, but I do not like that idea nor would I feel safe if it were done.


well it's natural to feel nervous around someone who is holding what you grew up being taught is a weapon. but if you can't trust your teacher with a gun, then why is your teacher the right person to teach you anything?

@Mojack group

..because my teacher is someone I can trust, who knows what they’re doing? I’ve talked to my teachers, had conversations with them, and I know that they’re a person I can trust. They’ve had proper training for that sort of thing (and I know people who handle guns should have training too, but in a school environment i feel I’d just miss a lot more classes than I already do.)

@Moxie group

well it's natural to feel nervous around someone who is holding what you grew up being taught is a weapon. but if you can't trust your teacher with a gun, then why is your teacher the right person to teach you anything?

First of all, what do you mean "grew up being taught is a weapon"? Guns are literally weapons. This isn't some propaganda "oh the government only wants you to think they're weapons" kind of a thing. They are weapons. Let's get that out of the way right now. So yeah, I would be nervous if the people I was around all day had a weapon.
Second of all, trusting someone to teach you information and trusting someone to not abuse the use of a weapon they have been given are two totally different things. They are not related.
For teachers to have weapons there would have to be a lot more tests in place to become a teacher. Do you know how difficult it already is to become a teacher nowadays? Do you know how many people quit when they are almost done with the process because it is simply too much? If a requirement to be a teacher had to be to get a gun, the number of teachers we have would drop significantly.

Deleted user

I think a teacher is more trusting when they don’t have a weapon or whatever… I just, I’m terrified of guns, mostly because family members got shot and my grandfather tried to shoot my dog, HES NOT A BAD PERSON BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING HE WAS CRANKY DON’T INSULT HIM HES DEAD AND I LOVE HIM!
I’m scared of guns. I can not trust anyone with a weapon. Maybe you are new in a new district, and the teachers have guns? I would loose my shit and beg my mom to move.
Personally, I think it’s a terrible idea. The weapons can be lost, stolen, and most likely cause more harm then good. Now, if they were put away in a safe or something, sure, but still. I like the running away when other people are heating books at the school shooter, I’ll survive most likely, and they die. My mom told me to run if there was a school shooting after I had an opening. I might die while running but that’s besides the point
Basically I think it’s a bad idea.

@Moxie group

Yeah, that's another good point. For a lot of kids, guns may be a trigger for them. Sending kids into panic attacks in the middle of school does not create a healthy learning environment, and would make many kids unable to learn.

Yet another good point, students could still steal a teacher's gun. At my sister's school, a teacher had her phone and her keys on her person, and two middle schoolers stole them. Imagine the outcome if it was a determined 18 year old.