forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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@HighPockets group

Wait, so you're, like, required to have parental consent if you're under 13 now?

No, that’s been a thing since COPPA (the law itself) went into act in the year 2000 or something
They’ve taken COPPA to a new level on YouTube, forcing all YouTubers to mark their content as either For Kids or Not For Kids.
If you mark “For kids”, your videos will be displayed on both YouTube and YouTube kids, however targeted ads will be disabled, resulting in anywhere from a 60-90% loss in ad revenue.
If you mark “Not for kids”, it will only be displayed on YouTube for people over the age of 13, and targeted ads will be available.
However, if you mark a video as not for kids that a bot decides could technically be for kids/includes kid-appealing content (animation, fun colors, video games, etc), you’ll be fined $47,000 per mis-marked video.

It’s insane.

Yeah, like I said a lot of content creators who do adult animation (or even use animated avatars) are getting in trouble for having content that could be "for kids" despite it being age restricted and marked as adult.

Deleted user

It's slightly philosophical so it happens.

were…..were we not talking about lemonade?

@HighPockets group

Do the ends justify the means? (As a rule.)

I don't think so. Several channels (mainly small ones) have been unfairly targeted, one that I love ended up having to age-restrict all of their videos with swearing or sexual jokes, even ones I had been able to watch before, and small content creators are already being forced off the platform.

@Moxie group

billie eilish is trash


Why does everyone hate Billie Eilish? Like do you guys have actual reasons or are you just mad cause her music is played too much?


billie eilish is trash


Why does everyone hate Billie Eilish? Like do you guys have actual reasons or are you just mad cause her music is played too much?

i don't hate her but i think she's overrated
her music's good but i just don't think it's that good

@Moxie group

Well I (low-key) hate her. Because her popular music lacks talent and is praised as art.

Lacks talent? First of all, she has a really good voice. And her "unpopular" music is good too. Not to mention the fact that "talent" is an arbitrary thing that is subjective and doesn't really mean anything. Also she's 17. She was 13 when her first hit was released. And that was her first song ever released.

People hate Billie Eilish because her music is overplayed and then they get desensitized to her voice and think she isn't talented. She's incredibly talented. She's also a 17 year old girl and I'm sick of people hating on her for stupid reasons.