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@HighPockets group

And if it's safely away, how are they going to get it out quickly enough to defend themself and their students?

Especially if they're also trying to take attendance, keep everyone calm, call for help, and barricade the door?

Deleted user

We have ALICE at my school
Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate

Alert: The announcement that tells you someone is in the building
Lockdown: Well, that one is pretty obvious. But we have a really intricate lockdown process that involves a belt
Inform: All the school phones have a button that takes you directly to the intercom. If you have an update on the situation you press it and speak, and the whole school will hear it.
Counter: My favorite, tbh. If the attacker is trying to enter the room we throw books, waterbottles, even paper at them while some students swarm the attacker, grab their limbs and go limp
Evacuate: If we can't get out using a door, we break a window and get out, we have been taught how.

@HighPockets group

We have ALICE at my school
Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate

Alert: The announcement that tells you someone is in the building
Lockdown: Well, that one is pretty obvious. But we have a really intricate lockdown process that involves a belt
Inform: All the school phones have a button that takes you directly to the intercom. If you have an update on the situation you press it and speak, and the whole school will hear it.
Counter: My favorite, tbh. If the attacker is trying to enter the room we throw books, waterbottles, even paper at them while some students swarm the attacker, grab their limbs and go limp
Evacuate: If we can't get out using a door, we break a window and get out, we have been taught how.

Yeah, same.
We're actually encouraged to get out as fast as possible if we're able to.

Deleted user

Am I the only one who has been in an active shooting?

I haven't been in an active shooting, but I've been in several active threats.

those suck too

Deleted user

I mean I haven’t at school, but I used to live in an area where we would experience stuff like hearing gunshot in the distance or getting bomb threats

I haven’t been in one though at school, and since I moved to a safer town away from the border it got a bit better, then we left for Canada and it’s a lot better

@HighPockets group

Am I the only one who has been in an active shooting?

I haven't been in an active shooting, but I've been in several active threats.

those suck too

Wisconsin schools kinda suck ig

Deleted user

Am I the only one who has been in an active shooting?

I haven't been in an active shooting, but I've been in several active threats.

those suck too

Wisconsin schools kinda suck ig

True, my fellow Wisconsinite

@Pickles group

Am I the only one who has been in an active shooting?

I haven't been in an active shooting, but I've been in several active threats.

We've gotten lots of threats but we haven't really ever been in lockdown. They're usually debunked pretty quickly. Once my freshman year, we had to stay in first period longer because if drug dogs
And last year, some kid broke into the school at 2 am and walked around and went a bunch of places and they had to search the whole place. School got cancelled for us that day. What they found? A major leak in the library. There are mixed thoughts about what he was doing, so I don't really know. He got suspended, though
that was off topic, sorry

@HighPockets group

The school I went to last year (it's an upper middle school so it's just 8th and 9th graders, which is a fucking stupid idea imo) gets a yearly bomb threat.
Someone called and reported that there were 2 girls who planned to shoot up the school one day after school, a bunch of sports kids and theatre kids were there but I wasn't. Turns out it was a hoax.

Deleted user

And if it's safely away, how are they going to get it out quickly enough to defend themself and their students?

Especially if they're also trying to take attendance, keep everyone calm, call for help, and barricade the door?

Yeah, and taking care of people with MENTAL breakdowns? Maybe kids aren’t taking it seriously and laughing? Maybe the teacher is weak and some kids won’t help.
What if they’re the first attacked? If a school shooter attacks a room, they’re going after the adult and/or strong looking kids before killing others. The scrawny slow kids (aka me) won’t be fast enough to help, and if the teachers killed and no one knows the code, they can’t use the gun. Police officers always have something on them. Some police officers don’t have guns, they have other stuff.

@HighPockets group

Mental breakdowns would not be priori one in a gunner situation. Problem not really relevant. And even if they get killed, doesn't make the situation much worse at its worst.

Idk, I feel like making sure that kids aren't screaming, hyperventilating, and crying would be pretty fucking relevant when you're trying not to be seen. Also, heartless much?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

No offence, (and I mean no offence, neither do I mean to offend) but I really think it doesn't matter. It's a life or death situation. A man (or woman) who knows guns will have no trouble talking softly to children, which isn't much less than can be done. But there's only so much one can do. I don't know/remember if you have siblings, but if you know kids, you know the difficulty of keeping them quiet. Some children (most if they're younger than a certain age) are unable to be calmed in certain circumstances. They haven't developed the brain skills to think beyond fear and sadness. If they're old enough, the other students can do the calming.
As for heartless… Yes. To a certain extent, I am. I do not feel emotion like other people. It can be a social disadvantage, but I wouldn't trade it out. It would make me as malleable and vulnerable as the others, which I would hate.

Deleted user

Wow, so fuck those kids who panic in bad situations, guess they're just collateral then.

It’s not like they’re screaming giving away their location to the shooters if they’re breaking down, yeah just leave them to cry their eyes out. It’s not like THEY MIGHT BE SCREAMING TELLING THE SHOOTER PEOPLE ARE IN THERE. Taking care of loud kids should be priority number one, if someone’s yelling it’s easier to give away locations. Those kids could die because the teacher ignored those kids screaming. Not to be rude, but MENTAL BREAKDOWNS ARE LOUD.


Okay so-
I think that arming teachers would be a bad idea. I'm just gonna list a few points that were already brought up but I think are important.

  • What if a teacher is the one to use the gun for any reason?
  • What if a student manages to steal the gun because kids are stupid?
  • In the event of a shooting, how quickly would teachers really be able to get the guns? If it is in a cabinet or locked and sealed. With all of that stress?
  • If a teacher did bring a gun out while we were in lockdown, it'd probably make things worse. Some students wouldn't be able to remain calm.
  • Triggers? People get triggered by guns for their own personal reasons.

@HighPockets group

Yeah, imagine being under all of the stress of an active-shooter situation and having a teacher whip out a gun. Even if rationally it's to protect you, it would probably still cause you to panic even more in that situation.

@HighPockets group

Not to mention that the shooter could easily take out a teacher and get the gun, thus getting access to more ammunition and possibly a better-quality weapon.