forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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@HighPockets group

It depends. Parents requesting that teachers break up friendships got my little sister out of a super toxic one, but sometimes it seems to be more based off of prejudice than actual toxicity.

@HighPockets group

Yeah, in her case it wasn't the teachers exactly, but it was my parents talking to them and them complying.
But when I was in 6th grade they split up me and my (at the time) best friend, and even though it was much better in the long run, it damaged our relationship pretty irreversably (though now I'm much closer with a different friend and it's a lot better)

Deleted user


moving children to different seats? that happens all the time to pertain class attention and to get both of the kids working

yes it happens all the time cus a lot of people act like shitfaces with their friends so they get moved.

Deleted user

Exactly, Jynnie. Or literally telling kids not to spend time together? That's messed up.

Deleted user

idk has that happened to either of you?

I don’t think that’s a very common practice, and if anything it would happen in like, grade-level where the gods have no reign

also teachers have no control over who hangs out with who so it’s just being weird at that point

Deleted user

I had teachers move students because of their ability to distract others, and I actually appreciated it in high school. It was hard for me to focus. sleep

@Pickles group

I had teachers move students because of their ability to distract others, and I actually appreciated it in high school. It was hard for me to focus. sleep

flashback to my table in fourth grade feeding a kid paper all the time and then the kid being moved to an "island" for being a distraction to us


I hate the idea of 'islands' , purposefully isolating a child just feels wrong. Children being a distraction is going to happen when you force them to sit still for large amounts of time, it's a child. They want to be outside developing basic motor skills, or learning helpful social skills and learning how to talk to people. Isolating them is going to do nothing but hurt the child, it doesn't teach them, if anything they'll learn the wrong thing they'll learn that when you talk to your peers or ask questions or ask for help you get in trouble. That's Wrong. What they're learning is conform or else, do we really want children to learn not to stick out? I understand that the teachers job is to teach the class and when one student prevent's that they need to remove the child to resume the best possible learning environment, but if that's what it takes to make children learn maybe it's not the best environment in the first place.

Deleted user

Honestly, I'm kinda tired of hearing about it.
I doubt it will have much of an impact that people think it will. It's the internet, it wont stay censored for long.

@Pickles group

They want to be outside developing basic motor skills

the kid jumped off a swing backwards, broke his wrist, and didn't realize until that night. Basic motor skills level: 10 for sure XD