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Deleted user

In conclusion, there should not be armed teachers in schools, they can scare kids, make kids with anxiety and autism (also CP, I’m speaking from the kind of CP my brother had) have breakdowns out of fear, give kids an opportunity to take it and create their own shooting, make the school unsafe and other things.
My opinion remains that police officers should go around the school. It’s safer, they’re trained, and they are payed to help protect people, so we don’t loose adult life.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It’s not like they’re screaming giving away their location to the shooters if they’re breaking down, yeah just leave them to cry their eyes out. It’s not like THEY MIGHT BE SCREAMING TELLING THE SHOOTER PEOPLE ARE IN THERE. Taking care of loud kids should be priority number one, if someone’s yelling it’s easier to give away locations. Those kids could die because the teacher ignored those kids screaming. Not to be rude, but MENTAL BREAKDOWNS ARE LOUD.

What's the point though? Will a shooter only go for the loud people? Most of these are inside jobs. They would probably know who was where and when. Hell, they could have gone through the shooter drills and learned how everything worked and used it. Sure one or three people might get away by being quiet. But an entire classroom?? Why would that stop the shooter?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Okay so-
I think that arming teachers would be a bad idea. I'm just gonna list a few points that were already brought up but I think are important.

  • What if a teacher is the one to use the gun for any reason?
    Well that would be even worse. But don't give the gun to just anyone. Background checks, as well as making sure they are both capable and responsible with a gun would be in the deal.
  • What if a student manages to steal the gun because kids are stupid?
    If the person with a gun has training and knows how to handle it it would be near impossible. Plus there are some recent concealed pouches that are almost undetectable and really hard to get to unless you own it.
  • In the event of a shooting, how quickly would teachers really be able to get the guns? If it is in a cabinet or locked and sealed. With all of that stress?
    It would be on their person, so at most, two seconds.
    Not trying to be offensive, but (ugh this is hard I'm going to sound like an unfeeling jerk) your feelings about being safe matter less than actual safety. The other option is feeling safe and not being so, which is a million times worse.
  • If a teacher did bring a gun out while we were in lockdown, it'd probably make things worse. Some students wouldn't be able to remain calm.
    It might make things worse. Maybe. But it could more likely make things a hell of a lot better. And calm matters not if it will do no help protecting or staying safe.
  • Triggers? People get triggered by guns for their own personal reasons.
    Which is more important, mental health, or not being shot?

Deleted user

{Report and ignore, like andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) says}

@HighPockets group

Not my cup of tea but they're fine for others. They just don't really work for me.
However, the area where I live has absolutely exploded (literally but that's not relevant) with CBD stores and I don't like that bc I don't really think some are well-regulated.

@HighPockets group

I know family members who use CBD and it works really well for them and it works a bit for me but not much. I just don't like that a bunch of sketchy-looking stores advertising that they sell CBD with hand-drawn cardboard signs have sprung up.

Deleted user

Yea, idk if it's just a Wisconsin thing that there are so many CBD stores popping up, but it's the same thing here. And I can't even walk through the halls at my school without being literally attacked by the scent of PiNeApPlE mAnGo cBd LoTiOn

Deleted user

lmao pretty sure it's a Wisco thing cus I'm in drug central and the only thing I know CBD for is for marijuana

@HighPockets group

Yea, idk if it's just a Wisconsin thing that there are so many CBD stores popping up, but it's the same thing here. And I can't even walk through the halls at my school without being literally attacked by the scent of PiNeApPlE mAnGo cBd LoTiOn

I live around Madison and just driving into the city I see 5+ new CBD stores.

Deleted user

Yea, idk if it's just a Wisconsin thing that there are so many CBD stores popping up, but it's the same thing here. And I can't even walk through the halls at my school without being literally attacked by the scent of PiNeApPlE mAnGo cBd LoTiOn

I live around Madison and just driving into the city I see 5+ new CBD stores.

I'm in Altoona/Eau Claire, and downtown is already a bit sketchy, so trust me… It's not good here either lol

@HighPockets group

Yea, idk if it's just a Wisconsin thing that there are so many CBD stores popping up, but it's the same thing here. And I can't even walk through the halls at my school without being literally attacked by the scent of PiNeApPlE mAnGo cBd LoTiOn

I live around Madison and just driving into the city I see 5+ new CBD stores.

I'm in Altoona/Eau Claire, and downtown is already a bit sketchy, so trust me… It's not good here either lol

One popped up right by a church I go to only a few months ago.
Granted it used to be a vape shop, but that alone makes it twice as sketchy.

Deleted user

okay but that's not actually against the drug, just the stores….?

Deleted user

Ahhhh– while I advocate guns (just with more of a strict regulations) I do not think that we should arm teachers. There are other methods of protection that education systems can practice.

@HighPockets group

Here's an interesting one:
At what point does a book become historical fiction? Should the classification be based off of the years or of what events are covered?