forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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@Pickles group

Has anyone heard of Kate Yup? I watched a video on her this morning, and I don't know what to think.


Basically she's a mukbang/ASMR youtuber who's garnered a lot of theories/controversy because in several of her videos she has visible bruises on her arms, cuts on her lips, etc. and she eats tables of food in a super short amount of time, yet she stays very underweight. A lot of people are concerned about her bc of the cuts/bruising and bc of how fast she's eating so much, since she's not simply eating fast, she's extremely large amounts of potentially dangerous-to-eat-fast foods extremely fast in under half an hour. She also always has a band around one wrist, a mask to cover her upper face, and captions that sometimes spell out HELP or SOS based on what letters are capitalized. You can also apparently hear a voice saying eat more/hurry up/"I'll kill you" and in one video she very clearly mouths "help" before ending it.
Some people theorize that she's a kidnapping victim being forced into this, some that she's bulimic and these videos are her binges (one shows her with a toothbrush strapped to her arm), some that she's trapped in an abusive household and/or relationship and is being forced to do this for profit, and some that it's just a social experiment.
I recommend checking out a Youtuber called Deity's video on her, it really needs more context than I can give.

that's a real ouch which sounds insensitive, but really…wow

Deleted user

Has anyone heard of Kate Yup? I watched a video on her this morning, and I don't know what to think.


Basically she's a mukbang/ASMR youtuber who's garnered a lot of theories/controversy because in several of her videos she has visible bruises on her arms, cuts on her lips, etc. and she eats tables of food in a super short amount of time, yet she stays very underweight. A lot of people are concerned about her bc of the cuts/bruising and bc of how fast she's eating so much, since she's not simply eating fast, she's extremely large amounts of potentially dangerous-to-eat-fast foods extremely fast in under half an hour. She also always has a band around one wrist, a mask to cover her upper face, and captions that sometimes spell out HELP or SOS based on what letters are capitalized. You can also apparently hear a voice saying eat more/hurry up/"I'll kill you" and in one video she very clearly mouths "help" before ending it.
Some people theorize that she's a kidnapping victim being forced into this, some that she's bulimic and these videos are her binges (one shows her with a toothbrush strapped to her arm), some that she's trapped in an abusive household and/or relationship and is being forced to do this for profit, and some that it's just a social experiment.
I recommend checking out a Youtuber called Deity's video on her, it really needs more context than I can give.

that's a real ouch which sounds insensitive, but really…wow

excuse me while I become Detective Miri™ and spent the next three {3} hours of my life binge watching videos on this

@HighPockets group

Has anyone heard of Kate Yup? I watched a video on her this morning, and I don't know what to think.


Basically she's a mukbang/ASMR youtuber who's garnered a lot of theories/controversy because in several of her videos she has visible bruises on her arms, cuts on her lips, etc. and she eats tables of food in a super short amount of time, yet she stays very underweight. A lot of people are concerned about her bc of the cuts/bruising and bc of how fast she's eating so much, since she's not simply eating fast, she's extremely large amounts of potentially dangerous-to-eat-fast foods extremely fast in under half an hour. She also always has a band around one wrist, a mask to cover her upper face, and captions that sometimes spell out HELP or SOS based on what letters are capitalized. You can also apparently hear a voice saying eat more/hurry up/"I'll kill you" and in one video she very clearly mouths "help" before ending it.
Some people theorize that she's a kidnapping victim being forced into this, some that she's bulimic and these videos are her binges (one shows her with a toothbrush strapped to her arm), some that she's trapped in an abusive household and/or relationship and is being forced to do this for profit, and some that it's just a social experiment.
I recommend checking out a Youtuber called Deity's video on her, it really needs more context than I can give.

that's a real ouch which sounds insensitive, but really…wow

It's horrible no matter what the outcome is.
There's also the fact that she was tapping her fingers really weirdly in one video so people theorized that she was trying to do some sort of Morse code and then she wrote and pinned a comment saying the tapping didn't mean anything….in third person.
And that someone commented "wear a red shirt if you're in danger" on one vid and she was wearing a red shirt in the next one uploaded.
Her videos have a very uncomfortable energy to them, like you can tell that she's not safe.


That sounds… awful. I looked her up, she never shows her face (not like shiloh dynasty, but like all covered), and apparently there's all sorts of messages in her videos.
i think i'll stick to nf funny moments, wellcast, minecraft stuff, and crash course, thank you very much

Deleted user

Okay Jyn I watched the video you suggested, and I think that one pinned comment is a copy paste of another person, who was just trying to bring logic into the situation? Like, hence why it’s in quotation marks and has both the pronouns “I” and “she”.

Deleted user

I wasn’t saying that the relationship wasn’t abusive (which I believe is what’s going on for sake of views), nor am I denying her ED.

I’m just saying, I don’t think that’s a good piece of evidence.

Deleted user

anywho ima go back to my game grumps clips lmao

but I’ll keep my eyes peeled for the tea 👁👄👁

Deleted user

gurl i ain’t

they’re a pair of youtubers look them up hb that

@HighPockets group

Okay Jyn I watched the video you suggested, and I think that one pinned comment is a copy paste of another person, who was just trying to bring logic into the situation? Like, hence why it’s in quotation marks and has both the pronouns “I” and “she”.

Good point, I didn't think of it that way (y'all should subscribe to Deity though, he's great!)


Also, I'm pretty sure that this Kate Yup thing will be the Next Big Internet Spread and I don't want it to because I'm gonna have nightmares. Don't judge, I get scared easily.