forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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people_alt 109 followers

@Starfast group

You apparently get $20,000 if you complete the full thing. Except IIRC, the full thing is like 8 hours long and no one's made it that far yet. So I guess there's that money incentive for some people. Or I guess some people are just really into spooky stuff and just want the thrill.
For anyone who has netflix, there's a documentary series called Dark Tourist and the guy actually went did the McKamey Manor in the last episode. Spoiler alert, he doesn't last very long but I think he made it farther than I would have. It looked super fucked up.

Deleted user

mmmmmkay… im not particularly seeing an issue here?

People are choosing to do this. They go in after signing a 40 page waver. That's hella detailed.
They bring it upon themselves.

Horror rooms aren't for the faint hearted. Everyone knows that.

Deleted user

I mean—participants are thoroughly warned. (shrug)

I would do it. Probs wont make it that far but hell I'd get a high off the experience.

Deleted user

  1. Everything is legal until there's a law against it.
  2. Wanna do it together?

@Starfast group

Since there's not much debating going on, here's a topic for you guys:

I'm not sure whether this is really a big story outside of Canada, but to give some background, Don Cherry who has been doing sports broadcasting for Hockey Night in Canada for like 40 years recently got fired after he made some offensive comments about immigrants not wearing poppies on remembrance day.
He said "you people that come here, you love our way of life, you love our milk and honey, at least you could pay a couple of bucks for a poppy"

There's been a lot of backlash over the decision to fire him. A lot of people are saying that he has a valid point but it was a poor choice of words, while other people are saying that firing him was the right thing to do since y'know… it's hella racist.

(I don't really follow sports all that much but it's a big story right now, and I'm curious about what y'all think).