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people_alt 109 followers

Deleted user

Oh hell no. I think he's doing it because he's arrogant and has a god complex

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Idk about that. He sounds legit. But he could be acting. Time will tell. But I think he's serious. If he is doing it for publicity he is doing it all wrong. He could have done it differently and got almost all the fame from it and then gone back to normal quietly. It would have been a good market strategy. But he's not doing the most smart thing moneywise. So I think he's probably legit.

Deleted user

He's been about show boating his entire career. He aligned himself with a family that is known for controversy and backstabbing fame. NOt to mention is obsession with a known pedophile and racist. He's not a good person, but he's pretending to be for the money.

It's a gut feeling and my gut is never wrong.

Deleted user


I get bad/good feelings about everything. Have I always listened? No. But that doesn't mean it was my gut that was actually wrong

Deleted user

okay so not a debate topic BUT

What kind of author do you consider yourself?

NA? (Because it IS a classification. fight me)

@HighPockets group

Hmm, good question!
I would say YA and NA, because while some stories do focus on fully teen casts, others do not, but I wouldn't say they're adult adult.
Weirdly enough, I would consider the first fae story I'm working on to be YA, but its sequel NA (due to the introduction of several adult characters, and the darker themes explored in it). The stuff with the older adults (Geneva, Jackson, Victor, and Henry) is new adult because they're adults, and also it gets dark at times, especially when Gen and Victor are involved. The quasi-dystopian stuff is in that weird area where there's nothing really adult about it, but the characters tend to be 18+ as opposed to younger.

Deleted user

^^ Not necessarily. but usually the characters' ages do key in

Deleted user

Id say most of mine are NA or Adult. I tend to play with dark themes and mature situations

@Mojack group

Generally I play with some mature themes as well especially if you go deeper into some of my universes like End of Time. Most of mine are probably straying into the darker themes range, though rarely does most of the ‘dark/mature’ stuff I make notes about make it into the actual story, or it’s just mentioned upon, not really dug into that much. End of Time is one of my prime examples though. Maybe This World of Yours too.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Inquiring minds would like to know why it's dark?

A lot of death. The journey of a young god who bring death and chaos where he goes until he learns to make peace with himself and his power.

When I say it like that it's really quite beautiful.


For me, it depends on the series. (None of my books have been released so far and most of them are still in the planning stage, but this is my idea so far.)

The Azure Series: YA-NA, the series is light hearted and a younger fantasy series. My social commentary isn't that heavy either.

The Silver Series: More NA, this one is darker and more realistic in terms of life isn't a horror film but it kind of sucks. In this series more characters die, some of them in less pleasant ways, also there's more social commentary.

The Crimson Series: Super Angsty YAs but more for Adults. This series is dark, gritty, and not pretty. Most of the commentary is more on morality than society. Characters die more often and the series is darker than most day-to-day life situations.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Inquiring minds would like to know why it's dark?

A lot of death. The journey of a young god who bring death and chaos where he goes until he learns to make peace with himself and his power.

When I say it like that it's really quite beautiful.

Oh yeah and also the main villain

@Moxie group

None of my stories get that dark. I'd consider them all YA
Well I have this one dystopian short story that I've finished and its got a little death but its not even that dark