forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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people_alt 109 followers

Deleted user

It can go either way, I think, depending on the character and their background.


As an author I can say from personal experience that I have written characters that have strong opinions about multiple topics, whether that be big questions like morality or simpler things, however I have also written opinions that I would never agree with. Most of my primary antagonists are people that represent viewpoints that I'm sure everyone (or unfortunately not everyone, but at least most people) would disagree with. Even my protagonist has opinions that I don't share. I say it's situational. It depends on the character and why they are written the way they are.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Is it though?? As authors we would be wrong to have our characters only think as we do. It's hella unrealistic. Many of my characters do not believe as I do and some would probably think I'm a terrible person. Grace, my low key lgbt supporter girl in particular comes to mind.

Deleted user

Just saying. My morals don't really show through my characters. They're mostly outlandish creatures of myth and legend and would rather eat me than discuss the fact that I may be using them to get a political point across.

@Moxie group

A lot of my characters would scare me irl. I said Casey would hate me cause she's smarter than me. My friend said that she could wink at me and smile and I would give her anything soooooo

@HighPockets group

You know that one thing where it's like "would you slap your best friend for a million dollars?" "I'd roundhouse kick them in the face for free"?
That's me with about a quarter of my characters lmao

Deleted user

one of my characters could boot my entire country from here to tuesday…