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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Satanists aren’t all that bad, but it could be my bias speaking here too. Though I’ve seen some pretty crazy Satanists before that do some pretty bad stuff. Like I’m talking sacrificial stuff. LaVeyans don’t really do that stuff since we don’t actually have a deity to appease and it’s against the eleven Satanic Rules to harm little children; or kill non human animals unless it’s for food or self defense. I think it’s more of the non LaVeyans that are the scary ones.

Yeah but like… Satan. Why the hell would there be the satanic rules of don’t do evil since… Satan is the most evil bloke around.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

@Mojack Id probably vote Conservative on principle based on all the crap I’ve seen from the left. But I’d actually study this if I was to vote. But I don’t think the gov should handle education in the first place so I’d say the dude might (?) be doing a decent job.

@HighPockets group

Apparently my best friends dad (the pastor at our church) had someone curse his house when he was a kid and stuff was flying off of the walls

Oh yeah there’s a hella haunted place like an hour from where I live. Crying babies in the dead of night and that sort of thing.

Fun fact! Playing a recording of a crying baby is a tactic that serial killers use to lure people out of their homes to be murdered.

@Mojack group

Satanists aren’t all that bad, but it could be my bias speaking here too. Though I’ve seen some pretty crazy Satanists before that do some pretty bad stuff. Like I’m talking sacrificial stuff. LaVeyans don’t really do that stuff since we don’t actually have a deity to appease and it’s against the eleven Satanic Rules to harm little children; or kill non human animals unless it’s for food or self defense. I think it’s more of the non LaVeyans that are the scary ones.

Yeah but like… Satan. Why the hell would there be the satanic rules of don’t do evil since… Satan is the most evil bloke around.

LaVeyans don’t actually believe in Satan as a deity. And Satan is the most evil from your perspective..since’ve been taught from that sort of viewpoint. Which isn’t a bad thing, either. It’s just like how I was raised by atheists, I generally share some of their viewpoints.
Plus there’s different types of Satanism, like Rational Satanism (which deals with LaVeyan, those that don’t believe in Satan as an actual being that exists, and they never really worshipped him either. They just use him as a symbolic figure.) LaVeyan Satanism has the Eleven Satanic Rules.

Then you’ve got Theistic Satanism (which deals with the actual belief of Satan, also known as ‘Devil worship’ to some.)

And Reactive Satanism, which I prefer to stay away from.

LaVeyans, as I mention before don’t really believe in Satan. It deals with a bit of atheism here and there. Although the rules of Satanism also say “do not harm little children” and “do not kill animals unless for food and self defence” are rules that should be followed (even as common sense) they also serve as a way to deter those who might think Satanism has a bunch of crazy people in it. Which, like every idea, they all have their crazy people. It also keeps away some of the crazy people that Satanism tends to attract, so that they either avoid LaVeyan Satanism, or modify their own rules in it.

Besides..the rules are pretty common sense. They each have their own interpretations, like “destroy him” doesn’t mean kill the person per-say, it could just mean take that person out of your life. Stand up for yourself, don’t take their crap. They’re pretty good rules, to be fair. Even then, it isn’t compulsory for Satanists to follow rules, either.


Not sure how many of you guys are up to date with Canadian politics and whatnot but there’s a federal election coming up soon for us. There’s also a strike that may or may not be happening in Ontario so that will probably effect it in some way.

The Wikipedia article is a bit of reading, but it does explain it better than I can.

The current premier of Ontario is Doug Ford (and it is due to some of his choices he’s made, like taking stuff away from education and making cuts that there might be a strike on Monday) and he’s not a very popular guy. A lot of Ontario voters are pretty much deterred from voting for the Federal Conservatives now.

The major parties in this is the Liberal Party, Conservative Party, and New Democratic Party. We’ve also got the Bloc Québécois, Green Party, and People’s Party of Canada. Then you’ve got your third parties and such.

Obviously, I can’t vote yet since I’m not of age, though it is important to keep up to date with the politics in your own country, plus Federal Elections are always interesting (in both good and bad ways.)

I have to ask though, what do the users think (those who are interested?) who would you vote for (if you could, or maybe who are you voting for if you can?)

I vote for the Rhino Party.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Satanists aren’t all that bad, but it could be my bias speaking here too. Though I’ve seen some pretty crazy Satanists before that do some pretty bad stuff. Like I’m talking sacrificial stuff. LaVeyans don’t really do that stuff since we don’t actually have a deity to appease and it’s against the eleven Satanic Rules to harm little children; or kill non human animals unless it’s for food or self defense. I think it’s more of the non LaVeyans that are the scary ones.

Yeah but like… Satan. Why the hell would there be the satanic rules of don’t do evil since… Satan is the most evil bloke around.

LaVeyans don’t actually believe in Satan as a deity. And Satan is the most evil from your perspective..since’ve been taught from that sort of viewpoint. Which isn’t a bad thing, either. It’s just like how I was raised by atheists, I generally share some of their viewpoints.
Plus there’s different types of Satanism, like Rational Satanism (which deals with LaVeyan, those that don’t believe in Satan as an actual being that exists, and they never really worshipped him either. They just use him as a symbolic figure.) LaVeyan Satanism has the Eleven Satanic Rules.

Then you’ve got Theistic Satanism (which deals with the actual belief of Satan, also known as ‘Devil worship’ to some.)

And Reactive Satanism, which I prefer to stay away from.

LaVeyans, as I mention before don’t really believe in Satan. It deals with a bit of atheism here and there. Although the rules of Satanism also say “do not harm little children” and “do not kill animals unless for food and self defence” are rules that should be followed (even as common sense) they also serve as a way to deter those who might think Satanism has a bunch of crazy people in it. Which, like every idea, they all have their crazy people. It also keeps away some of the crazy people that Satanism tends to attract, so that they either avoid LaVeyan Satanism, or modify their own rules in it.

Besides..the rules are pretty common sense. They each have their own interpretations, like “destroy him” doesn’t mean kill the person per-say, it could just mean take that person out of your life. Stand up for yourself, don’t take their crap. They’re pretty good rules, to be fair. Even then, it isn’t compulsory for Satanists to follow rules, either.

“Cruelly and without mercy,” but I get it. Also, where does magic come from? Or is it the “permeates the universe” theory so often found in fantasy?
And if it does not actually relate to Satan, where is the connection? Also, as to Satan, there is no “my interpretation” Satan, real or not, is from Judaic and Christian mythology. Saying Satan is otherwise than put forth by said mythology is wrong. Rather like saying “the real Buddha is a war god.”

@Mojack group

Satanists aren’t all that bad, but it could be my bias speaking here too. Though I’ve seen some pretty crazy Satanists before that do some pretty bad stuff. Like I’m talking sacrificial stuff. LaVeyans don’t really do that stuff since we don’t actually have a deity to appease and it’s against the eleven Satanic Rules to harm little children; or kill non human animals unless it’s for food or self defense. I think it’s more of the non LaVeyans that are the scary ones.

Yeah but like… Satan. Why the hell would there be the satanic rules of don’t do evil since… Satan is the most evil bloke around.

LaVeyans don’t actually believe in Satan as a deity. And Satan is the most evil from your perspective..since’ve been taught from that sort of viewpoint. Which isn’t a bad thing, either. It’s just like how I was raised by atheists, I generally share some of their viewpoints.
Plus there’s different types of Satanism, like Rational Satanism (which deals with LaVeyan, those that don’t believe in Satan as an actual being that exists, and they never really worshipped him either. They just use him as a symbolic figure.) LaVeyan Satanism has the Eleven Satanic Rules.

Then you’ve got Theistic Satanism (which deals with the actual belief of Satan, also known as ‘Devil worship’ to some.)

And Reactive Satanism, which I prefer to stay away from.

LaVeyans, as I mention before don’t really believe in Satan. It deals with a bit of atheism here and there. Although the rules of Satanism also say “do not harm little children” and “do not kill animals unless for food and self defence” are rules that should be followed (even as common sense) they also serve as a way to deter those who might think Satanism has a bunch of crazy people in it. Which, like every idea, they all have their crazy people. It also keeps away some of the crazy people that Satanism tends to attract, so that they either avoid LaVeyan Satanism, or modify their own rules in it.

Besides..the rules are pretty common sense. They each have their own interpretations, like “destroy him” doesn’t mean kill the person per-say, it could just mean take that person out of your life. Stand up for yourself, don’t take their crap. They’re pretty good rules, to be fair. Even then, it isn’t compulsory for Satanists to follow rules, either.

“Cruelly and without mercy,” but I get it. Also, where does magic come from? Or is it the “permeates the universe” theory so often found in fantasy?
And if it does not actually relate to Satan, where is the connection? Also, as to Satan, there is no “my interpretation” Satan, real or not, is from Judaic and Christian mythology. Saying Satan is otherwise than put forth by said mythology is wrong. Rather like saying “the real Buddha is a war god.”

Magic was never really explained fully by LaVey, but he expresses it as rather not being a supernatural phenomenon, but a part of the natural world still undiscovered. He said that magicians could use it by visualizing their desired goal in mind and putting forth intense willpower towards it. The idea is emphasized that magic is manipulated through emotional acts rather than purely intellectual acts.

As for the connection..

“In his essay "Satanism: The Feared Religion", the current High Priest of the Church of Satan, Peter H. Gilmore, further expounds that "…Satan is a symbol of Man living as his prideful, carnal nature dictates. The reality behind Satan is simply the dark evolutionary force of entropy that permeates all of nature and provides the drive for survival and propagation inherent in all living things. Satan is not a conscious entity to be worshiped, rather a reservoir of power inside each human to be tapped at will".

As I mentioned before, in LaVeyan Satanism, Satan is seen as a symbolic figure, rather than an actual deity to be worshipped.

Yes, Satan did originate from that sort of mythology. But over history things change, and new beliefs and ideas sprout from already existing concepts. As it is, LaVeyan Satanism is still new, being founded in 1966. It doesn’t have to cancel out already existing ideas, but sometimes, from belief to belief things generally get modified. There’s usually something the majority generally tend to accept, though.


Here, maybe I can help explain based off of my reading into the subject:

For the magic part, Satanism does not actually practice Abrakadabara Yen-Sid Bipidy Bop Magic. "Magic" is described more as two forms of you orchestrating your desire for something to happen by trying to make it happen in two degrees. Lesser magic is simply day-to-day causation. You do something, something happens. Greater magic is when you perform a ritual associated with a certain concept that makes it overdramatic. Yes, the point is to make it dramatic because humans react to overdramatic situations better than non-drama filled situations.

As for Satan's symbolism, Satan is as @Mojack said, not a deity to worship, but a symbol for certain ideas. The name Satan is supposed to translate to "adversary". This is because of his history of rebelling against Yaweh/Iovah. Satan is a symbol of rebelling against the ideas that Christians and what Christianity has marked as good and evil. For example: Some past and even modern Christians find the idea of having sex for any reason besides procreation appalling, but why does it have to be?

Words like "carnal" and "primal" have basically become synonyms of barbaric desire for sex, but with Satanism, things you do that are "carnal" is basically anything that please your senses, and pleasing your senses (within reason, LaVey did not mean go out and have sex with every person on the planet) should not be viewed as evil, because it's what man does by nature. It's what many animals would and do actually do by nature if they aren't in a situation where survival is the only thing they worry about.

Basically, the idea of Satan is you shouldn't feel bad for being human.

Is that an okay explanation @Mojack?

Deleted user

steeples fingers

This is a very interesting topic of conversation (somehow halloween always leads us here, but I digress)

Deleted user

You're a mean one Mr. Grinch


By all the deities– This is a cursed sentence and I love it.

Deleted user

well–no. Actually it's quite educational. Many questions are being asked instead of debating–sorta.

I mean–you could read it. lol ^^^ most of it is on this page and the last.

Deleted user

Ah, shit.
Sorry y'all, bad day.
Didnt' mean to be an asshole.