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You're a mean one Mr. Grinch

How dare you make me read that with my own two eyes.

This'll be an odd one for the list of reasons I'm going to hell.


You're a mean one Mr. Grinch

How dare you make me read that with my own two eyes.

This'll be an odd one for the list of reasons I'm going to hell.

Forgive me MontJyn

@Moxie group

Not related to current conversation
But I just found out that my parents believe in witchcraft and like evil spirits and stuff
And I honestly thought most Christain (not Catholic. Like the Christain college students at my church. Not trying to be offensive to Catholic people) didn't believe in witchcraft and demons
Like idk
My mom is adamant about not believing in ghosts
And I just didn't think she believed in that other stuff either
Now I'm very shook. I don't know what I believe. My world is upsidedown a little
We never learn this stuff in Sunday school! How was I supposed to know this was something my parents believed in.
We love a spiritual crisis at almost 10 o clock at night


I think that that kind of thing does exists just not to the degree that we think of when we here witches, like no they're not going to fly around on a broom stick . But maybe they have some wicked talent with plants.

@Moxie group

Apparently my best friends dad (the pastor at our church) had someone curse his house when he was a kid and stuff was flying off of the walls

@Mojack group

Yeah and I’d view Witches as maybe having pretty good skills in plants as well? A variety of stuff maybe. It’s kind of like how people think of vampires tend to think of burn in the sun variety, but I’ve seen some cool takes on vampires where the vampires look more beast-feral than human, and as for the sun part they just don’t like the sun or it irritates their eyes. That sort of stuff is cool to look at, especially as a worldbuilder.

Satanists aren’t all that bad, but it could be my bias speaking here too. Though I’ve seen some pretty crazy Satanists before that do some pretty bad stuff. Like I’m talking sacrificial stuff. LaVeyans don’t really do that stuff since we don’t actually have a deity to appease and it’s against the eleven Satanic Rules to harm little children; or kill non human animals unless it’s for food or self defense. I think it’s more of the non LaVeyans that are the scary ones.

I’ve had a few, not many, but a few friends say that their house was cursed. I know one year I was at a birthday and the one girl said the basement was cursed and for all I know it could have just been us being kids but I know someone said they saw someone either right outside the window or in the reflection of the window and everyone freaked out. My longtime best friend also has a house she goes up and stays in for a family visit and a woman died in a closet in the house and sometimes plates will fall, they’ll hear things that actually aren’t there and whatnot. It’s interesting but creepy stuff especially if you’re experiencing it.

@HighPockets group

You're a mean one Mr. Grinch

How dare you make me read that with my own two eyes.

This'll be an odd one for the list of reasons I'm going to hell.

Forgive me MontJyn

I mean, I'm the one who started it so….

@HighPockets group

Not related to current conversation
But I just found out that my parents believe in witchcraft and like evil spirits and stuff
And I honestly thought most Christain (not Catholic. Like the Christain college students at my church. Not trying to be offensive to Catholic people) didn't believe in witchcraft and demons
Like idk
My mom is adamant about not believing in ghosts
And I just didn't think she believed in that other stuff either
Now I'm very shook. I don't know what I believe. My world is upsidedown a little
We never learn this stuff in Sunday school! How was I supposed to know this was something my parents believed in.
We love a spiritual crisis at almost 10 o clock at night

I believe in ghosts. Also aliens and general Spoopy Stuff and cryptids

@Mojack group

Not sure how many of you guys are up to date with Canadian politics and whatnot but there’s a federal election coming up soon for us. There’s also a strike that may or may not be happening in Ontario so that will probably effect it in some way.

The Wikipedia article is a bit of reading, but it does explain it better than I can.

The current premier of Ontario is Doug Ford (and it is due to some of his choices he’s made, like taking stuff away from education and making cuts that there might be a strike on Monday) and he’s not a very popular guy. A lot of Ontario voters are pretty much deterred from voting for the Federal Conservatives now.

The major parties in this is the Liberal Party, Conservative Party, and New Democratic Party. We’ve also got the Bloc Québécois, Green Party, and People’s Party of Canada. Then you’ve got your third parties and such.

Obviously, I can’t vote yet since I’m not of age, though it is important to keep up to date with the politics in your own country, plus Federal Elections are always interesting (in both good and bad ways.)

I have to ask though, what do the users think (those who are interested?) who would you vote for (if you could, or maybe who are you voting for if you can?)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Apparently my best friends dad (the pastor at our church) had someone curse his house when he was a kid and stuff was flying off of the walls

Oh yeah there’s a hella haunted place like an hour from where I live. Crying babies in the dead of night and that sort of thing.