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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Whether she’s is in on it or not, it is a ploy by people higher up to use her as a pawn of a political movement. Instead of facts and logical they use emotional appeal. It’s lame and doesn’t work on me and many others.

Why are you so against what she's saying and why are you so quick to discredit her? Not trying to be rude, just curious? Why is it so difficult to believe a 16-year-old girl is making speeches about climate change?

People greater than I disagree with what she says. And I understand why.
As for discrediting her, like I said, she’s an emotional ploy. She’s a child, and is used as children have always have for propaganda.
It isn’t terribly hard to believe. Unusual, but not difficult. I don’t surprise easily.

@Pickles group

Also, we all notice what a bad actor she is and that she is being fed all this… Right?

Dom, she's swedish. She probably has the English translation of what she's going to say. And that doesn't make it any less important

@HighPockets group

Also, we all notice what a bad actor she is and that she is being fed all this… Right?

Dom, she's swedish. She probably has the English translation of what she's going to say. And that doesn't make it any less important

She's Swedish, was selectively mute, and has Asperger's. As someone with Asperger's, that's what we kinda sound like, especially the pauses and breaths.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

And she is an actress. Not saying I'm right necessarily. But it's suspicious.
Does she really get that emotional? To me it seems doubtful. But of course this is me talking, who does not feel emotion about a lot of things.

Deleted user

This is her niche, Dom. She is incredibly focused and passionate about protecting the future for herself and for her generation. Anyone would be nervous, and emotional speaking in front of the UN.

Did you look into the 'movies' under her IMDB? That they're all about climate change and one she lent her voice too for religious music? She's not an actress, she's an activist.

Deleted user

The government can totally assist with Climate Change by switching everything and anything over to clean energy instead of continuing the use of destructive products like oil, but they won't because there is no money in clean energy.

Deleted user

Do you know why children are the ones that have to go up in front of the UN? Why children and 'young people' are the ones that are fighting in the face of the government for change?

Because the government refuses to listen to the scientists that are putting forth the data. They discredit them, and mock them. So unqualified, innocent children and younger generations have to pick up the duty of telling off the government for being stupid.

@HighPockets group

This is her niche, Dom. She is incredibly focused and passionate about protecting the future for herself and for her generation. Anyone would be nervous, and emotional speaking in front of the UN.

Did you look into the 'movies' under her IMDB? That they're all about climate change and one she lent her voice too for religious music? She's not an actress, she's an activist.

Exactly. And I'm assuming that climate change is her special interest which means yes, she does get passionate about it.
Personally I think that you don't need to have Asperger's to have an interest in the fact that our planet is dying, but ya know.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

This is her niche, Dom. She is incredibly focused and passionate about protecting the future for herself and for her generation. Anyone would be nervous, and emotional speaking in front of the UN.

Did you look into the 'movies' under her IMDB? That they're all about climate change and one she lent her voice too for religious music? She's not an actress, she's an activist.

Oh my goodness! I fact-checked this. And Eris fact-checked the fact-check. I love it.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

The government can totally assist with Climate Change by switching everything and anything over to clean energy instead of continuing the use of destructive products like oil, but they won't because there is no money in clean energy.

Maybe. Except the money thing. And y’know. Complete incompetence.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Do you know why children are the ones that have to go up in front of the UN? Why children and 'young people' are the ones that are fighting in the face of the government for change?

Because the government refuses to listen to the scientists that are putting forth the data. They discredit them, and mock them. So unqualified, innocent children and younger generations have to pick up the duty of telling off the government for being stupid.

I hear that many scientists (in the fields that actually qualify) Chucks shade at The Science Guy do not support Global Warming.

Deleted user

This is her niche, Dom. She is incredibly focused and passionate about protecting the future for herself and for her generation. Anyone would be nervous, and emotional speaking in front of the UN.

Did you look into the 'movies' under her IMDB? That they're all about climate change and one she lent her voice too for religious music? She's not an actress, she's an activist.

Oh my goodness! I fact-checked this. And Eris fact-checked the fact-check. I love it.

What can I say? I wasn't about to go down without a fight. ;P
I will defend Greta with my very soul at this point.

Deleted user

The government can totally assist with Climate Change by switching everything and anything over to clean energy instead of continuing the use of destructive products like oil, but they won't because there is no money in clean energy.

Maybe. Except the money thing. And y’know. Complete incompetence.

Can't argue with this. Except saying that we can redirect hundreds of millions of dollars from our 'defense budget' to make it work

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

This is her niche, Dom. She is incredibly focused and passionate about protecting the future for herself and for her generation. Anyone would be nervous, and emotional speaking in front of the UN.

Did you look into the 'movies' under her IMDB? That they're all about climate change and one she lent her voice too for religious music? She's not an actress, she's an activist.

Oh my goodness! I fact-checked this. And Eris fact-checked the fact-check. I love it.

What can I say? I wasn't about to go down without a fight. ;P
I will defend Greta with my very soul at this point.

She is so great.

Deleted user

Hey Eris. Now that I’m slightly better informed on this stuff, why don’t you debunk common argument from the non believers.

The planet is becoming inhospitable due to emissions from harmful chemicals caused by the greed of humanity. Those that cannot believe that the planet's environment is changing are complete nincompoops.