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@HighPockets group

I saw parts of it and I relate a lot.
Like, I'm not doing what she's doing obviously, but I'm sick of older generations (not Millenials but Boomers and Gen X) putting so much responsibility on Gen Z. I'm sick of Gen Z calling out sexism, racism, homophobia, what have you and people being like "Gen Z will change the world! :)" while doing jack shit to help. I'm a teenager. I'm supposed to be learning how to drive, spending time with my friends, and learning at school. We shouldn't have to be afraid to go there every day. There was a threat made to my school and they didn't even cancel classes, despite there being 3 lunch periods and a gathering time before school where there's a ton of people in an open area together. We shouldn't have to be walking out and protesting because we shouldn't need to be doing that.
Boomers and X-ers care soooo much about what we have to say until it challenges their ideals. I'm sick of sitting through meetings about how to make my school days better and not being able to say a sentence before a cacophony of middle aged neurotypicals start telling me how they know what's best for me, and when I tell them that they don't know that, I'm the bitchy entitled girl who doesn't know what will help, even though I've tried all of their bullshit before and newsflash! It didn't!
So yeah.
How dare you, whoever's generation is 'in charge'. How dare you let children grow up in a world where you're hated for existing. How dare you say you speak for everyone when you never listen.

Deleted user

Scientists should take over the world.

@Pickles group

Nah, Henry Clerval for President and Victor Frankenstein for First Husband? First Man? Idk what the male version of First Lady would be.

I already love Henry tbh he's a lil ray of sunshine

@HighPockets group

Nah, Henry Clerval for President and Victor Frankenstein for First Husband? First Man? Idk what the male version of First Lady would be.

I already love Henry tbh he's a lil ray of sunshine

I know right?!

@Moxie group

What specific things do you notice that lead you to that conclusion?
Because she also has Aspergers. Could that be what you're thinking is bad acting and being fed lines?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Not really specific things that cannot be linked to mental disorders. It’s possible I am being misled from reading similar evidence of lying that she is accidentally producing. It’s actually possible that she is really that over emotional. But it looks hella fake. And she’s also listed as an actress on IMDb.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Whether she’s is in on it or not, it is a ploy by people higher up to use her as a pawn of a political movement. Instead of facts and logical they use emotional appeal. It’s lame and doesn’t work on me and many others.

@Moxie group

Whether she’s is in on it or not, it is a ploy by people higher up to use her as a pawn of a political movement. Instead of facts and logical they use emotional appeal. It’s lame and doesn’t work on me and many others.

Why are you so against what she's saying and why are you so quick to discredit her? Not trying to be rude, just curious? Why is it so difficult to believe a 16-year-old girl is making speeches about climate change?