forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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This is a topic that my coworker tried to have a debate with me about (I have no idea why): Should the BDSM/Leather community have public pride events or should they keep more to themselves since people don't like to thinky about kinky?

(Note: The reason I say "tried" is the conversation didn't go into a debate really, we just said our opinions and went back to life.)


This is a topic that my coworker tried to have a debate with me about (I have no idea why): Should the BDSM/Leather community have public pride events or should they keep more to themselves since people don't like to thinky about kinky?

(Note: The reason I say "tried" is the conversation didn't go into a debate really, we just said our opinions and went back to life.)

(Sub- Note: If you care, her opinion is don't do that sort of thing in public because your getting too much in people's face about and and also, think of the children.

My opinion: If you like to get rough every now and then. Go ahead, make your day. If you are proud that you like to be rough every now and then. THEN BE FRICKIN' PROUD. I don't care. You do you.)

Deleted user

There are Fetish Events.

I think one of the biggest ones is in London actually. Its a fascinating yet bizarre read— for study. People are weird.


I say be proud all you want, but as that stuff is for mature audiences it should be treated as such.

Yeah, be prideful, but have some guidelines of some form. I wasn't saying there shouldn't be, it's just I'm saying as long as you keep a few rules in mind then you should be allowed to celebrate amongst your mature audience, colleagues.

Deleted user

Grown people who want to be treated by children.
A little is someone that likes to act younger then they really are. It's kind of like having an alter ego that's much younger then yourself. Most littles don't act little 24/7, but when they do slip into their younger alter ego it's called slipping into headspace.


Gross? I think that’s a bit strong. It may as well be a mental condition and no condition should ever be qualified as gross in my opinion.
Sure, it’s a bit strange, but it’s also possible to handle and I don’t think Littles can help it.

Deleted user

To be honest, I'm with Dom. it's not a mental condition. It's a fetish, and quite frankly, a perverted one.


Right okay, you were talking about Littles in a BDSM setting and yeah, that’s pretty gross.
There are people, though, that literally mentally are a different age than physically, and that’s not gross, that is a mental condition and they do need extra care.

@Moxie group

I’ve heard that a little headspace (in a non sexual way) can be used to cope with stuff. I don’t find that gross. I do find it gross when used in a sexual way. Wayyyyyyy too close to pedophilia for for my taste.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

There are people, though, that literally mentally are a different age than physically, and that’s not gross, that is a mental condition and they do need extra care.

Yeah yeah. I have some people in my life with a little of that going on so I really get what you mean. Obviously a mental condition shouldn't be a cause of shame or belittlement.

@HighPockets group

I’ve heard that a little headspace (in a non sexual way) can be used to cope with stuff. I don’t find that gross. I do find it gross when used in a sexual way. Wayyyyyyy too close to pedophilia for for my taste.

I agree. If someone uses headspace to cope with something or just as a stress relief that's fine, but acting like/wanting to be treated like a child in a sexual situation is hella uncomfy to me.

Deleted user

age regression sometimes isn’t choice. some people age slide due to trauma (like myself) and it’s not something they can control.

i agree that age regression for sexual purposes is disgusting and i personally hate that it’s even a thing.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

age regression sometimes isn’t choice. some people age slide due to trauma (like myself) and it’s not something they can control.

Well that's sort of a mental disease. Not anything to hold against someone.

Deleted user

age regression sometimes isn’t choice. some people age slide due to trauma (like myself) and it’s not something they can control.

Well that's sort of a mental disease. Not anything to hold against someone.

which i 100% agree with

Deleted user

HEY can we talk about something. I think Dragon Ball is the most overrated anime, anyone disagree? (Not to trigger people but anything past the original is boring oof)

Deleted user

OOooooh okay so here's the question:

Are fetishes mental 'issues'?