forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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people_alt 109 followers

@HighPockets group

I think that it's a classic case of how historical context changes over time since in the original song it wasn't really "guy gets girl drunk to convince her to spend the night", it was "girl chooses between society and love and chooses to spend the night with a guy". It's a good song, it just didn't age well.

However I do think that people who change the guy and girl parts up, or make it be two guys or two girls are stupid because if they're going with the modern interpretation, the genders of the people involved don't matter because consent is consent.

@Moxie group

Dang you guys are more informed about this than I thought
I am also annoyed with the new lyrics.

(There is one I like that Idina Menzel and Micheal Buble did that is more kid friendly but only cause it’s really cute and I like their voices)

Deleted user

oh man what a heavenly duo.

I find no offence to the song simply because it's meant to be cheeky and not so innocent.
If we're going to judge songs by their lyrics then there would be no music because someone is always offended by something

Deleted user

Unpopular Opinion:

Kanye West is starting a cult.

can confirm

Deleted user

(shrugs) yea I guess. But for some reason–this one concerns me on a deep level.
I can feel the wrongness in my gut