forum Crushes
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@Anemone eco

I honestly don't know. I just don't know. I just started thinking about them again and I just knew that I wasn't truly over them. And then I saw them. My heart almost leaped out of my damn chest.


Dude, Not-So-Lucid ("codename" for one of my crushes, in case you didn't see my first post) just did a thing.

So we're sitting in class, and his seat is kinda diagonal from me to the left but really close. And about fifteen minutes until the bell for next class, he just silently reaches into his bag and pulls out…a ziplock baggie of noodles. Just. Noodles. And he took a metal fork and ate those noodles out of this clear plastic baggie, AND NO ONE NOTICED EXCEPT FOR ME AT FIRST. So while I'm trying not to draw attention to myself by laughing my butt off, he just keeps eating his "buttered spaghetti noodles with parmesan" (as he later told me). Finally, finally, another kid a few rows over notices, and he does a physical double-take, to which Lucid just kinda held the bag in his direction and asked, with a mouthful of noodles, "Want some?" More people started noticing, and then the teacher trailed off in the middle of what he was saying and eventually went silent for a moment. Then the teacher just kinda shook his head in either disappointment or defeat, and just said, "Don't make a mess."

Lucid kinda shook his head as if everyone was crazy for thinking he was being weird, then turned to me and said, "Everyone wants to know why I have the noodles, but no one wants to know where I got the noodles," and grinned shiftily. I was just like, "I'm curious, but also afraid to ask," and he just nodded and said, "Good" and I think "I wasn't going to tell you." And then he said, "I can get you some if you want?"

Is there a noodle dealer somewhere at our school? Whyβ€”?

And the worst part is, he saved some for later, rolled up his closed bag of noodles and stashed them in his backpack, then exaggeratedly licked the fork clean. For like two minutes. Like it was a lollipop or something.

And this dude is hot. Like really freaking objectively good looking. It's not just meβ€”pretty much everyone that knows him agrees that he's a good looking dude. Appearance-wise, he fits the whole "tall, dark and handsome" (roughly 6'1", dark chocolate-colored, longish hair, with nice facial structure, hazel eyes and a bit of stubble) stereotype, but personality-wise? He eats noodles in class and recommends the song "Yeah Toast" to me and comes to class with dry clay covering his hands and arms, and doodles in class. He's like a mashup of every stereotype ever or something.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

My BF saw this over my shoulder and he just could not understand it. And then I learned he doesn't like pasta, and know I'm seriously judging him and he's like, "Yeah, no, go ahead. I know it's a sin." XD


u know whats funny, in my class we always joke that if u give someone a noodle its a sign of love. I don't know where that started


guess i'd better talk about my crush since thats the point. He's my friend's older brother, and you usually when your friend has an older brother (and ur a girl) they just ignore you and pay you no attention cuz you're younger but he doesnt he acts just the same level of friendliness with everyone and he's soon cute too! Also his nickname is Chuck! I mean how cute is that!
And on Monday he said (well, IMed) that he liked me and he knows I like him…. but I'm still not sure, like, what's going to happen next and he hasn't been on lately (I'm pretty sure he's on a choir trip) so… Also we're in different classes. So, AWKWARDnesss, and I'm scared lol