forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers

@ClownB*tch eco

my crush rejected me but at least she still wants to be friends and didnt say no but just that she needed some time rn to think about life. I wont keep pushing or anything but i'm glad to know she isnt opposed to dating me

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

that's good that you're not pressuring her. i've been pressured into things before, it's not fun.

on another note, my mom keeps talking about how sweet my crush is- she's always like "oh my god, how sweet!" "he's so nice!" and then she asked me if i liked him today and i TOTALLY avoided the question. lmao. (i've also slept in his hoodie the past 2 days- and he wore mine to school today hgvhjgcvjhchc)