forum Crushes
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Deleted user

we only talked for like 3 hours and then I immediately fell in love with her so I put on my big boy pants and asked her if she liked me and wanted to start dating and she said yes, then the rest is history

Deleted user

I was lucky that my gf live's in the same city as I do and is like 30mins away from me

Deleted user

ngl covid-19 played a big part in how we met because if it wasn't for covid-19 causing schools to close I'd probably be super lonely and have depression


ngl covid-19 played a big part in how we met because if it wasn't for covid-19 causing schools to close I'd probably be super lonely and have depression

its good that good things can come out of the bad :)


And update if anyone cares you probably don't but yeah:
So, my best guy friend who I've had a crush on for like three years now got a girlfriend. And while it did hurt at first, it helped me to get over him which has strengthened our friendship and I got a new friend too (his girlfriend). So even though I "didn't get the guy," I feel really happy about how it turned out. And I am happier than I have been in a while. :)

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

Y'all, I've had a crush on this guy for W A Y too long and he is obviously not interested in me but he still gives me butterflies and I h a t e itttt. Like today, he's in my science class and when the teacher came over to our table (he was across from me) he came over right next to me so he could see better and my heart started beating SO fast ksjdbkchvsdj I don't wanna like himmmmmm. I know he doesn't like me, I knowww but it doesn't make a difference.

Deleted user

"And when you said hi, I forgot my dang name."

Yes, that's Hamilton. And it's how I feel today. My crush (because this world is confusing and lots of us have different preferences, he's a guy, I'm a girl) is one of my closest friends (I've been friends with him for three years, since 8th grade, we r sophomores now, I'm almost 16), and I'm nearly 98% percent certain he likes or is at least interested in me. But he won't admit it, and I'm falling hard but I can't keep doing this. We flirt, and then we get ignored. He stands up for me, but then teases me in a slightly mean way (actually almost punched his best friend for making me cry, I'm a Christian and his friend said I "couldn't possibly love Jesus" if I thought BLM was good and supported them. THE WHOLE POINT OF MY RELIGION IS LOVING OTHER LIKE JESUS LOVED US, but I digress.. Not all of us are like that but in west Kentucky, unfortunately, many are…. BUt yeah, he almost punched him but another guy held him back because we were at school, I've never seen him like that before) I can't keep this uppp. ANd yes I have forgotten stuff before due to him. I'm old school so I'd like him to make to first move but I can't keep waiting. He makes me so nervous, but I can be myself with him. He makes me think.
And I'm falling hard. I've tried to get over him a million times, but I can't.

Idk, I'm sorry this was a mess.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Keep falling. It's normal to be in love. What you described is how me and my boyfriend of three years started out. It's different with everyone. The best relationships, romantic or otherwise, are all best if started out as friends. Take your time with each other. Eventually you'll both realize that there exists something between you two that's special, and then you'll want to grow on that. It's not about rushing into it, take your time. If they love you and you love them, you'll wait until it feels right. Patience is key. Best of luck darling!

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I, uh, have to disagree with you there, Winter. I may not have been alive as long as some, but I do know it is perfectly logical and reasonable that someone could like two people equally at the same time, with the same desire for commitment for both of them. Polyamory is a thing, and it's not to be confused with polygamy. It is literally 'Many loves.' It's a natural thing, and it doesn't mean you love one less than the other.

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

I, uh, have to disagree with you there, Winter. I may not have been alive as long as some, but I do know it is perfectly logical and reasonable that someone could like two people equally at the same time, with the same desire for commitment for both of them. Polyamory is a thing, and it's not to be confused with polygamy. It is literally 'Many loves.' It's a natural thing, and it doesn't mean you love one less than the other.

yesyesyesyesyesyes you are exactly right.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

It's perfectly alright! Most people don't really think about polyamory, and as you said, it really is up to the person experiencing the attraction to reflect and conclude whether it is true polyamory or not.