forum Crushes
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Deleted user

Keep falling. It's normal to be in love. What you described is how me and my boyfriend of three years started out. It's different with everyone. The best relationships, romantic or otherwise, are all best if started out as friends. Take your time with each other. Eventually you'll both realize that there exists something between you two that's special, and then you'll want to grow on that. It's not about rushing into it, take your time. If they love you and you love them, you'll wait until it feels right. Patience is key. Best of luck darling!

Thank you. I needed to hear that. I guess I often feel like I want a label so that I know I'm not completely helpless, that he is feeling what I am too. I think he is, but I wanna know for sure. (Also I was ssoooo pms-ing yesterday, haha so that explains a lot.) I want to stop myself from falling so much but I see him and my heart goes crazy. I know love is choice more than a feeling and I think I choose to love him a long time ago and my heart won't let me back out.
I will, thank you. I'll keep falling. I'll keep waiting. I'll keep loving.
Because, yes, I think I'm in love with him.

Sorry I know that was dramatic.

@ClownB*tch eco

jdajknsdicehfceu i became friends with v pretty girl today. she has purple hair and is bi and has a pretty nose piercing and i just- ShE iS sO pReTtY and now i have a crush on her soooo yea…. i might ask her to hang out some time


i think i've only ever had one genuine crush on anybody but we ended up going to different schools later on. anyways, i'm just gonna talk about him because i miss him so much. First off, he was one of the nicest people I've ever met. He'd always give me his seat if there was no place for me to sit. We also used to sit next to each other on the bus everyday. He gave me music recommendations and one of the bands he told me about is now my favorite. We used to play guitar together after school. Idk what happened but one year after summer break, we kind of drifted apart.

@John-Mulaney-Killed-Princess-Diana group

jdajknsdicehfceu i became friends with v pretty girl today. she has purple hair and is bi and has a pretty nose piercing and i just- ShE iS sO pReTtY and now i have a crush on her soooo yea…. i might ask her to hang out some time

Speaking as a girl, I can give you a little advice.

  1. Tell her, very straightforwardly, that she looks nice the next time you see her.
  2. If you ask her to a movie or something, make it clear whether it's a date or just a hangout session. That gray area is no fun for girls (I've been there before, and my friend actually thought we were dating. It was a disaster.), and you've either friend-zoned a nice guy or assumed a friend is your boyfriend.
  3. Nobody likes an "it's complicated" relationship, so just be direct in general.

Hoping for the best between you two!

@ClownB*tch eco

jdajknsdicehfceu i became friends with v pretty girl today. she has purple hair and is bi and has a pretty nose piercing and i just- ShE iS sO pReTtY and now i have a crush on her soooo yea…. i might ask her to hang out some time

Speaking as a girl, I can give you a little advice.

  1. Tell her, very straightforwardly, that she looks nice the next time you see her.
  2. If you ask her to a movie or something, make it clear whether it's a date or just a hangout session. That gray area is no fun for girls (I've been there before, and my friend actually thought we were dating. It was a disaster.), and you've either friend-zoned a nice guy or assumed a friend is your boyfriend.
  3. Nobody likes an "it's complicated" relationship, so just be direct in general.

Hoping for the best between you two!

I'm actually asking her out next time I have class with her (about an hour from now) v nervous and v excited

@John-Mulaney-Killed-Princess-Diana group

jdajknsdicehfceu i became friends with v pretty girl today. she has purple hair and is bi and has a pretty nose piercing and i just- ShE iS sO pReTtY and now i have a crush on her soooo yea…. i might ask her to hang out some time

Speaking as a girl, I can give you a little advice.

  1. Tell her, very straightforwardly, that she looks nice the next time you see her.
  2. If you ask her to a movie or something, make it clear whether it's a date or just a hangout session. That gray area is no fun for girls (I've been there before, and my friend actually thought we were dating. It was a disaster.), and you've either friend-zoned a nice guy or assumed a friend is your boyfriend.
  3. Nobody likes an "it's complicated" relationship, so just be direct in general.

Hoping for the best between you two!

I'm actually asking her out next time I have class with her (about an hour from now) v nervous and v excited

Good luck!

Deleted user

I'm actually asking her out next time I have class with her (about an hour from now) v nervous and v excited

OOOO good luck!! Prayers!!

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

guys i- my crush gave me his HOODIE today and wlwknjskjdbjks!!!!! we just swapped hoodies (cuz we're literally the same size) and aaaa it's so warm. he told me i could hold onto ittttt eeeeee and then i got a big hug before he left at lunch. OH YEAH and he paid for my food!! like whaaaa-

Deleted user

guys i- my crush gave me his HOODIE today and wlwknjskjdbjks!!!!! we just swapped hoodies (cuz we're literally the same size) and aaaa it's so warm. he told me i could hold onto ittttt eeeeee and then i got a big hug before he left at lunch. OH YEAH and he paid for my food!! like whaaaa-

that's so wholesome-

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

guys i- my crush gave me his HOODIE today and wlwknjskjdbjks!!!!! we just swapped hoodies (cuz we're literally the same size) and aaaa it's so warm. he told me i could hold onto ittttt eeeeee and then i got a big hug before he left at lunch. OH YEAH and he paid for my food!! like whaaaa-

that's so wholesome-

fxcfgdcyt he's so sweeeetttt auuuuggghhhh. my mom saw me talking to him yesterday and she was like "so who's that bOyYy-" i was like "ohjustmyfriend-" and she did the little eyebrow raisey thingy and said "he's cuuuuuuttteeeeeee!" i was like -_- "momstop-"

Deleted user

Hnnnnnsfsdhsgg I think I'm in love love with my partner- We were up late messaging and I said something stupid like usual and he goes "lmao. you're amazing." and I grinned so big and literally teared up I was so happy and then I had the realization that I'm gay for this dumbass of all people-

Deleted user

U guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO tuesday I was teasing him and and he steps way in (not six feet at all but I'm not complaining) and we were like 5 inches apart and then I swear I thought he was gonna kiss me right there in the hallway, but then he winks at me and says "man I hate these masks" aaaaaasssbfdhgygejhhfgfabuebhGFyus

and he kept saying my name like it was his favorite word, and I swear to you I swooned hjasgsdjfdshwriuahdfkajsdcniuwhfiua ahhhhhhhh

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

we love swooning skdhbchjbds ahaha.

on another note, my crush was talking to me about why he thinks he'll get along with my parents and i- it was so cute. HE TOLD ME HE'D TAKE ME ON A SHOOTING RANGE DATE LIKE WHAT!?!?!?!? GOALS-

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

I WILL FOR SURE! and i think his best friend likes me! if he does, that's good. it's important to get along with your crushes friends for many reasons. (if at all possible) so i'm happy :)


Am i the only one who drew a person from my mind and the next day someone who looks like my drawing went to my school, and now i have crush

Deleted user

I WILL FOR SURE! and i think his best friend likes me! if he does, that's good. it's important to get along with your crushes friends for many reasons. (if at all possible) so i'm happy :)

Oh good!!! I don't with all my crushes friends, most of them I do, but there is the aforementioned one he almost punched soooooooo
I speak from experience when I say it is good that you do!!

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

I WILL FOR SURE! and i think his best friend likes me! if he does, that's good. it's important to get along with your crushes friends for many reasons. (if at all possible) so i'm happy :)

Oh good!!! I don't with all my crushes friends, most of them I do, but there is the aforementioned one he almost punched soooooooo
I speak from experience when I say it is good that you do!!

yes, very. we all went to lunch together today and it was lovely. we all get along very very well :)