forum Crushes
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I, for some reason, just love talking to people about their crushes and that kind of stuff. Feel free to rant, complain or just generally obsess about your crushes here! A good thing is that I probably don’t know who you are talking about so you can be 100% sure that I won’t tell anyone about it lol

Deleted user

My crush is the prettiest person ever!
And she's so smart and just- Ugh!


Mia I swear to god bugq3wrwctfbo3wrgbtrqfel
She always comes up and hugs me and facetimes me all the gosh dang time and she bought me a little pan flag when she and kaiya were downtown and she always supports me and makes sure i don't do something stupid or get in trouble and nfbrncgqp9h

Deleted user

My crush is the prettiest person ever!
And she's so smart and just- Ugh!

Tell me everything I wanna know (not in a creepy way tho lol)

Deleted user

My crush is the prettiest person ever!
And she's so smart and just- Ugh!

Tell me everything I wanna know (not in a creepy way tho lol)

She's so adorable small and she has blondeish hair and freckles!
She's just so cute and I want to hold her hand

Deleted user

My crush is the prettiest person ever!
And she's so smart and just- Ugh!

Tell me everything I wanna know (not in a creepy way tho lol)

She's so adorable small and she has blondeish hair and freckles!
She's just so cute and I want to hold her hand

Awww how did you guys meet?

Deleted user

My crush already has a girlfriend, sadly… but that’s a rant for another day, I don’t wanna ruin all the positive cuteness in this thread lol

Deleted user

I’m gonna try to be like a wise crush-guru or something over here lol

Deleted user

My crush is the prettiest person ever!
And she's so smart and just- Ugh!

Tell me everything I wanna know (not in a creepy way tho lol)

She's so adorable small and she has blondeish hair and freckles!
She's just so cute and I want to hold her hand

Awww how did you guys meet?

We're in theatre together!

Deleted user

My crush is the prettiest person ever!
And she's so smart and just- Ugh!

Tell me everything I wanna know (not in a creepy way tho lol)

She's so adorable small and she has blondeish hair and freckles!
She's just so cute and I want to hold her hand

Awww how did you guys meet?

We're in theatre together!

That’s nice! Ooh what if you two got the roles of a couple that would be perfect

Deleted user

Also anyone entering this chat should be prepared for me obsessing over everyones crushes lol (also I feel like I use ’lol’ way too much?)

@Pickles group

Also anyone entering this chat should be prepared for me obsessing over everyones crushes lol (also I feel like I use ’lol’ way too much?)

Same to all of that

Deleted user

My crush is the prettiest person ever!
And she's so smart and just- Ugh!

Tell me everything I wanna know (not in a creepy way tho lol)

She's so adorable small and she has blondeish hair and freckles!
She's just so cute and I want to hold her hand

Awww how did you guys meet?

We're in theatre together!

That’s nice! Ooh what if you two got the roles of a couple that would be perfect

Nah I'm not out as demi-guy at school so…
I'm known as a girl at school.

Deleted user

My crush is so dang hot. I totally dont stalk him and have draw pics of him while he isnt looking

That sooo me lol I actually accidentaly drew my crush once

Deleted user

Our friends set us up, actually. I didn't previously know Mia but my friend's friend has us meet up

So they are the original Moops-shippers… (for the rest of you, we made a shipname (moops) for Mia and Loops in another chat)