forum Crushes
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@Echo_6 group

When you have a crush on someone and you know they'll never feel the same for you. :(

The struggle is real

Silent tears in the night…

Deleted user

When you have a crush on someone and you know they'll never feel the same for you. :(

The struggle is real

Or worse; they already have a gf/bf… I am currently less than 10 meters away from my crush and he is freaking hot but he is already taken so it doesn’t matter what I think of him

Deleted user

I'm crushing on my straight best friend who's crushing on someone else.

Deleted user

I'm crushing on my straight best friend who's crushing on someone else.

Oh fuck that sucks

Deleted user

I got the vibe that one of my best friends is crushing on me right now and that kinda sucks as well since I don’t want him to like confess anything or so cuz that would make a hella weird situation

Deleted user

I'm crushing on my straight best friend who's crushing on someone else.

Oh fuck that sucks

In short, I'M FUCKED!

Deleted user

I'm crushing on my straight best friend who's crushing on someone else.

Oh fuck that sucks

In short, I'M FUCKED!

Something like that, yeah

Deleted user

My crush is my amazing and cute and smol angry midget girlfriend :3



idk why but the fact that my julian likes mitski makes me love him more than i already do and he's the one who introduced me to mitski i'm so confused

Deleted user

idk why but the fact that my julian likes mitski makes me love him more than i already do and he's the one who introduced me to mitski i'm so confused

I feel like most of us are pretty confused when it comes to our crushes lol
But it is probably because you guys have something on common even if it was him who introduced you to it


idk why but the fact that my julian likes mitski makes me love him more than i already do and he's the one who introduced me to mitski i'm so confused

I feel like most of us are pretty confused when it comes to our crushes lol
But it is probably because you guys have something on common even if it was him who introduced you to it

idk it's just i'm used to him liking dat Old Rock MusicTM which is all cool and good bc i like it too but this is the only super soft artist that ik he listens to and for some reason i absolutely love that he has a gentle music side

@Echo_6 group

My very first and only crush, that I will probably never see again and that still breaks my heart, was the nicest person I had ever met. And the saddest thing is that, not only is he gone now, but I never got up the courage to tell him. I met him my very first year of high school. But I didn't know anyone there, because I'd been home schooled my whole life. The day that I met him, I thought he was a jerk. I met him at a Cross Country practice. Well, XC was difficult because I was the slowest person on the whole team. Well, one practice we were running out four and a half miles to the coach's place. I was in the rear coming a solid minute behind the person in front of me. And about one turn from the finish, he came out and was cheering me to the finish. Well, that wasn't the last time he did something like that. About three months later, I was in the library holding back tears because I'd just been in a horrible fight with my friend. I was the only person in the library, until he came in. Okay we have a nice sized library and lots of places to sit. He comes had sits right next to me, without saying anything. He just sat there, to keep company.
I still miss him. Two years later.


My very first and only crush, that I will probably never see again and that still breaks my heart, was the nicest person I had ever met. And the saddest thing is that, not only is he gone now, but I never got up the courage to tell him. I met him my very first year of high school. But I didn't know anyone there, because I'd been home schooled my whole life. The day that I met him, I thought he was a jerk. I met him at a Cross Country practice. Well, XC was difficult because I was the slowest person on the whole team. Well, one practice we were running out four and a half miles to the coach's place. I was in the rear coming a solid minute behind the person in front of me. And about one turn from the finish, he came out and was cheering me to the finish. Well, that wasn't the last time he did something like that. About three months later, I was in the library holding back tears because I'd just been in a horrible fight with my friend. I was the only person in the library, until he came in. Okay we have a nice sized library and lots of places to sit. He comes had sits right next to me, without saying anything. He just sat there, to keep company.
I still miss him. Two years later.

same here but mine was a long term relationship with him and I still miss him but we broke up after six months because it was too much for us :/

Deleted user

My very first and only crush, that I will probably never see again and that still breaks my heart, was the nicest person I had ever met. And the saddest thing is that, not only is he gone now, but I never got up the courage to tell him. I met him my very first year of high school. But I didn't know anyone there, because I'd been home schooled my whole life. The day that I met him, I thought he was a jerk. I met him at a Cross Country practice. Well, XC was difficult because I was the slowest person on the whole team. Well, one practice we were running out four and a half miles to the coach's place. I was in the rear coming a solid minute behind the person in front of me. And about one turn from the finish, he came out and was cheering me to the finish. Well, that wasn't the last time he did something like that. About three months later, I was in the library holding back tears because I'd just been in a horrible fight with my friend. I was the only person in the library, until he came in. Okay we have a nice sized library and lots of places to sit. He comes had sits right next to me, without saying anything. He just sat there, to keep company.
I still miss him. Two years later.

same here but mine was a long term relationship with him and I still miss him but we broke up after six months because it was too much for us :/

Anyone I know?

Deleted user

My very first and only crush, that I will probably never see again and that still breaks my heart, was the nicest person I had ever met. And the saddest thing is that, not only is he gone now, but I never got up the courage to tell him. I met him my very first year of high school. But I didn't know anyone there, because I'd been home schooled my whole life. The day that I met him, I thought he was a jerk. I met him at a Cross Country practice. Well, XC was difficult because I was the slowest person on the whole team. Well, one practice we were running out four and a half miles to the coach's place. I was in the rear coming a solid minute behind the person in front of me. And about one turn from the finish, he came out and was cheering me to the finish. Well, that wasn't the last time he did something like that. About three months later, I was in the library holding back tears because I'd just been in a horrible fight with my friend. I was the only person in the library, until he came in. Okay we have a nice sized library and lots of places to sit. He comes had sits right next to me, without saying anything. He just sat there, to keep company.
I still miss him. Two years later.

same here but mine was a long term relationship with him and I still miss him but we broke up after six months because it was too much for us :/

This is so sad…


My very first and only crush, that I will probably never see again and that still breaks my heart, was the nicest person I had ever met. And the saddest thing is that, not only is he gone now, but I never got up the courage to tell him. I met him my very first year of high school. But I didn't know anyone there, because I'd been home schooled my whole life. The day that I met him, I thought he was a jerk. I met him at a Cross Country practice. Well, XC was difficult because I was the slowest person on the whole team. Well, one practice we were running out four andgr a half miles to the coach's place. I was in the rear coming a solid minute behind the person in front of me. And about one turn from the finish, he came out and was cheering me to the finish. Well, that wasn't the last time he did something like that. About three months later, I was in the library holding back tears because I'd just been in a horrible fight with my friend. I was the only person in the library, until he came in. Okay we have a nice sized library and lots of places to sit. He comes had sits right next to me, without saying anything. He just sat there, to keep company.
I still miss him. Two years later.

same here but mine was a long term relationship with him and I still miss him but we broke up after six months because it was too much for us :/

This is so sad…



My crush is so amazing and I'm good friends with her but we're going different ways next year but I really like her and aaaaaaa

actually me rn tho
i summon thee
i think this forum will be good for you


Oh my fuck okay-

So first of all, it most likely will never happen because I lose all ability to form a coherent sentence withing a five foot radius of her.

But holy shit man.

Okay, so her eyes are literally the clearest blue gray color ever like seriously I could DROWN in them as if they were a lake in winter and her smile is SO FUCKING PURE seriously it's like someone liked her smile to the sun aND IT'S SO WARM AND CUTE AND AAAAAAAAAA and her hair is really short and curly and she puts it up in little bun sometimes AND IT DOES NOT HELP MY GAY ASS FROM FREAKING THE HELL OUT

And her laugh honestly sounds like fucking music and she's really nice and smart and I swear her name is more precious than I could hope to be to her (Literally- her last name is silver)


Just gonna casually copy and paste something from forever ago….
So, I discovered i was into girls and soon realized that i had completely and utterly fallen for her (okay fallens a strong word but i've never crushed so hard)
Okay she's beautiful
I know, i know - cliche
but i mean it
her eyes say a million words without saying anything at all, her hair falls out of place and she tries to fix it but it's not the same, she lights up when playing music, she reminds of all the stars in the universe, her laugh, her real laugh, the way she texts all excitedly sometimes, the conversations we've had, the passion she has for music and robotics and everything, i could go on and on
but stars,
i just
she's not perfect
but maybe that's why i like her so much?
i don't know
im being dumb, sorry
anyway back to the story, i figured it out one day when i saw her in a dress and at first i was completely denying it but the next day, we had this lockdown drill that no one knew of and i was super paranoid (twas the same day as the Santa Fe shooting) and i remember kinda just thinking that if i died….
i thought of her
(other people too but especially her)
and that's the exact moment that i knew
and then a month later i came out to my friends and confessed
(twas awkward at first but got through it)
and although she doesn't like me back, i'm okay with it
we talk over text a lot
she's opened up to me and in turn i did too
and we kinda are just there for each other and i'm okay with it