forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers


welp there's a chance the girl i like isnt interested in me and i tried to hang w her but she says she works weekends and didnt suggest another time so now im.
i put the ball in her court and asked if there's another time she wants to hang and if she says 'she's busy' or smth i'll just stop

Deleted user

um i think my crush is scared of me and i???????????????

Context please?


so i confessed to him back in september (we were all flirty and everything before) and then he said no. now he avoids me. like he literally goes out of his way to get out of my way. if he sees me in the hallways and we're about to bump into each other, his eyes get all wide and he runs away. like he RUNS AWAY. his friends joke to me that hes scared to make eye contact.
i dont even know at this point


how do i tell a friend I'm dating? would've told her sooner but she seems pretty anti-date and stuff.

Just tell her, as the friend that is Anti-date stuff, she will be much more offended if she finds out from someone else then if you tell her. It doesn't have to be a big deal, a simple, hey just so you know I'm dating this individual. Don't let her find out through someone else, that's the worst feeling, again I am the friend who is anti-dating, It hurts a whole lot more when you find out through someone else.

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

it's okay nie, what happened?

Keyboard smash Ughggh. This person's just so- agh

They just-aaah. Whyyyyyy? I hate my brain for doing this to meeeeeee. I hate this feeling it's all weird and awkward and- muffled screaming I don't know what to doooooo. I'm going to dieeee, they're so perfect and aaaaaaaaaaggggghgh. I hate that I'm always thinking about them, I hate that they're always on my mind no matter what I think of. I just- I… muffled screaming intensifies.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

how do i tell a friend I'm dating? would've told her sooner but she seems pretty anti-date and stuff.

Ahahaha, I had a problem like that. Only it was one of my best friends and I had to tell her I was dating a biological female (she doesn't think same-sex attraction is natural). I ended up telling her, but have an anxiety/panic attack. She felt bad for putting me through that stress. But she still doesn't seem too happy about it, but she's accepted it. Sorry, I went off on a tangent.