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people_alt 109 followers


As for her being straight… Well, so is spaghetti until it gets wet.

you sound like James Charles.

lmaoooooo yes

@Pickles group

As for her being straight… Well, so is spaghetti until it gets wet.

you sound like James Charles.

lmaoooooo yes

It wasn't a compliment.

@Reblod flag

I personally don't see much worth in dates. I think it's the memory of the event that matters more. I guess anniversaries sort of represent that but why celebrate something important one day a year when you can celebrate it all the time?

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I personally don't see much worth in dates. I think it's the memory of the event that matters more. I guess anniversaries sort of represent that but why celebrate something important one day a year when you can celebrate it all the time?

I agree, but it's nice to have one day, where you can be extra nice.