forum Crushes
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Deleted user

Copy and paste it, nerd 🖤

It's in my sketchbook, genius <3

You draw too????


She lets the sadness through only when she thinks no one sees. She tucks her head down, averts her eyes and looks surprised when you compliment her. Watching her hide and think so little of her natural beauty is literally infernal.
The way her hair falls and frames her face, her matt olive skin and full lips. Most of all, her big brown eyes glittering with kindness and benevolence and intelligence. She hides behind jewelry and glasses and draped scarves. She stumbles and looks down and shrugs, believing she has little worth.
But every second of every smile, and unique and strange expression thrills and hurts me.
I wish so much it was in you to be like me. See me in the fast-beating, overwhelming, lovely way I see you.
You're so special. You and every glare and every grin and every inch of good that rolls off of you in waves. I wish you'd see it, and I wish I could show it to you.
I wish I could tuck you hair behind you ear, and ask about every earring, and the blonde phase, and the sad look in your eyes, and the summer boy.
I want to know you, and for you to know me. I want to hold your hand and touch your cheek and walk with you and talk to you. I just want to know you.
I wish I could sing for you. That is, after all, my freedom. Maybe my wavering voice and flat notes could prove my feelings better than these words that could never even come close to encompassing everything that is you and your wholesomeness and beauty and grace and intelligence and everything I can't fathom how to name.
You're like a complete symphony, playing from your heart and pouring yourself into mine.

Deleted user

As for her being straight… Well, so is spaghetti until it gets wet.

Deleted user

Really? Christ, I'm so glad. Like so, so happy about that

about our comments on your beautiful writing or about my explicitly sexual joke that I do not regret in the slightest

Deleted user

Well, my writing initiallyBut I can also admit to that joke being well placed and maybe made me snort

Lmao I'm glad XD


Okay. But here, think blonde Chewbacca legs and and a guy wearing a short dress and stilettos and that's a real rough picture that you can't ever get out of your brain.

You know what Winter I just read this post and I really want to meet Elias now


Kicks down door Ya'll, He said that Talking to me helps! He was rambling for a bit and then said something along the lines of "I was really upset when I started writing this but Messaging you helps." And I know that's seems really small and insignificant but-but he said I helped. That makes me happy.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Okay. But here, think blonde Chewbacca legs and and a guy wearing a short dress and stilettos and that's a real rough picture that you can't ever get out of your brain.

You know what Winter I just read this post and I really want to meet Elias now

Well I guess I'll just have to drag him with me to your state. So I know I have to go to New York, Virginia, Indiana, Wisconsin, and a few others, so which is your state?