forum Crushes
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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(And Swimmy, just look up Colleges with good art programs in your area on the internet. Should help. Are you dorming?)

I've tried, but I gotta stay in Indiana to get my scholarship money. There's really nothing here ;-;


well my sis did her ex didint and we dated him both lol and i dont tell my sis but i still love him i dont want her to hate me so i lie to her but idk if he likes me and me and him cant date cus of my parents and his maybe cus my dad and mom ses he cant date one then he cant date the other so yeah my life is hard lol and my siter still loves him to so its tough


and i dont know what do anymore we fight and stay fighting then we laugh and talk then it makes me want him more


yes i know and idk if he likes me who knows if he might ask me out again my parents will be mad at me and my sis will hate me but if me and him do date things will have to change but thats just life and stuff


well stubid things rly he ses im trying to brake him and every girls he dated up when im not and much more so yeah

@Reblod flag

Sounds like you might have some trust issues. Trust is really important in every relationship romantic or platonic. It might be best if you try to spend some time away from each other

@Reblod flag

Well it depends. Sometimes holding onto someone is the right thing to do. Oftentimes, especially when it comes to a relationship that isn't functioning well, you need to let go

Deleted user

Honestly, I feel like I'm chasing after boys without even knowing it. I often think to myself, "Is he interested in me? He and I might work out," way before I get to know someone. I've made that mistake more than once.