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You know some day's I think, "Page boy is a jerk, but garsh darn it he's a really thoughtful jerk so I can't be mad." And other day's I realize "Page boy isn't a jerk, he's a human and human's make mistakes, especially this human because he keeps trying to do everything all the time." And even still other day's I think, "Page boy is the best thing that's ever happened to my mental health." Today I think, "Page boy, you're my stargirl, but please don't vanish."

@Reblod flag

Grazie, grazie, grazie

And yes! I just got back actually. I was there on exchange for a couple months but it's good to be home

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Grazie, grazie, grazie

And yes! I just got back actually. I was there on exchange for a couple months but it's good to be home

I may go on exchange in either Toyko, or New Zeland. It just depends on which family wants me 😂. Or I may chicken out and not go at all. But you never know. I could just do a summer thing.

@Reblod flag

It's definitely worth going. Getting a good family is entirely chance though. My first one was..not so good but my second one was great. Most of my friends also got really good families. Exchange is a fantastic excuse to go overseas