forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers

@Reblod flag

I've kissed more girls than guys due to being drunk and I'm not even gay
Seriously though I'm always down to hear drunk stories

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Oof. Okay XD

So, I was sitting and having lunch with my friends, you know, pretty normal(as normal as you can get with my friends anyway). One of my friends and a went back and forth giving each stupid nicknames and stuff like that. Like really stupid. For example, Bone Enchillada or Puddy Wuddy Boo Boo Bear (good grief). Our other friends soon began to joke that we'd make a cute couple(at least, I think they were joking). So we started acting out our theatrics and "confessing" our love for one another. To top it all off, we went it for the whole fake kiss thing. You know how at the end of some productions, the two main characters are about to kiss and then they close the curtains. Now obviously we had no curtains, but they were there in spirit. But either way, that was the idea. Obviously enough, that didn't quite go as planned. My friend was leaning back in my arms with his lips puckered and I was leaning forward with mine puckered too. The tables we were sitting at had benches, one's without back, so I was leaning him off the back of that. Here's where things went wrong. My arms aren't quite the strongest, so I couldn't really hold him up well and well, we both fell and yeah. That's all there is to that story.
