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@Reblod flag

Ah that brings back memories of the bts fiasco with one of my friends
We always aggressively judge each other's music tastes and would 'trade' songs to listen to. I'd tell her to listen to a song and she'd say only if I listened to a k-pop song.

…that was also the time when we had competitions on duolingo to see who would get the bigger score. I'm still winning by ages btw even after a few years

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Oof. I don't get why people obsess over BTS. It's kind of… weird. Like, they're all humans too. Can't their fans see that? They don't even get treated like they're human, only some kind of animal that's put on display for your enjoyment.

Deleted user

Cheyenne, you keep spamming random chats and you need to stop.

Deleted user

(who all likes bts i love jin and for bt21 rj


@saor_illust school

Oof. I don't get why people obsess over BTS. It's kind of… weird. Like, they're all humans too. Can't their fans see that? They don't even get treated like they're human, only some kind of animal that's put on display for your enjoyment.

Same. I feel like at least 70% of the reason people I know obsess over BTS is because of things like "Oh, so and so is really cute/hot!" and I'm just standing there just thinking, how much do you actually like their music then?


I prefer to be a human who is appreciated for intellect and ability to make someone's day better. Looks? That's a bonus. I'm not a trophy, or a god, so don't think that I am higher, or more deserving than anyone. But that's just me.

Applause Standing ovation

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I prefer to be a human who is appreciated for intellect and ability to make someone's day better. Looks? That's a bonus. I'm not a trophy, or a god, so don't think that I am higher, or more deserving than anyone. But that's just me.

Applause Standing ovation

Joins in the ovation

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I prefer to be a human who is appreciated for intellect and ability to make someone's day better. Looks? That's a bonus. I'm not a trophy, or a god, so don't think that I am higher, or more deserving than anyone. But that's just me.

Applause Standing ovation

Joins in the ovation

thanks I really didn't think many people would agree with that…

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Awww so sweet
Meanwhile I was joking around with Elias and I was being a brat and I said
"You're not my favorite person."
And he gently shoves me and goes
"I'll remember that later on okay?"
And me not thinking anything of it, I go to my car, which is parked right beside his, and I go to hug him and he goes
"I thought I wasn't your favorite person anymore huh?"
And he refuses to hug me in a joking way. And I pouted and called him a hoe…
So that's my day today
(I did get a hug though. I wouldn't let him leave until he gave me one. He's used to my girlfriendly abuse. He takes small pride in it XD and he can't get rid of meeeee soooooo he's stuck with it for the rest of his life 😂)


Aww that's cute!
Let's see, as of late Pageboy has been hugely supportive because I'm auditioning for honor band inn two day's and I'm extremely not confident about my abilities. Also I just got my wisdom teeth out and I can't play with out being in extreme pain. So anyhow every time I get doubts he say's something along the lines of and I quote, " I have confidence in you. You are a phenomenal player, even if you are struggling currently. I understand that because of the mouth situation, you might not make it. If that happens, it will really really really stink, but in the end it will be ok. Honor band is great, but it is not your life. And as far as school band goes, don’t worry too much about it. It is what it is, and you need make sure you can play the audition piece before the school pieces. After you make it in, you can work on the school stuff." Like how is he this good at making me feel better, crazy. He doesn't say " you'll make it I know you will", He say's "I think you're capable of doing it but if you don't make it that's perfectly ok too"