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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Here's my advice. It may not sound good, but dang I wish I had someone give me this when I was your age. So here I go. Don't look on the ground where the feet trod, because it's obscured, and dirty, and what's current today. Look towards the horizon. It may be far away, but the air is cleaner, a fresh wind blows, and with the wind, come all the opportunities of tomorrow. Live for the future, and let the past go. I promise when you stop living in yesterday, and live in tomorrow, things will change. It's all about perspective hun.

@Reblod flag

I might rant later about my current unforeseen but 100 percent predictable relationship problems that have appeared only in my own head…but after I get over this mild hangover

@Reblod flag

Just a casual party with friends. We like drinking. It's not that bad I just feel a little icky. Currently inhaling large quantities of water