forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers


well damien the one i seaid im having problems with well im in love with him we were flirting but my sis hates me and im going to go home and get yelled at maybe by my mom and dad and im scared i texted my mom and told her my feelings fot him

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Your sister doesn't hate you, she doesn't like you right now because she feels threatened, and you've given her good reason. She'll get over it. Breakups and relationships happen every day. Sibling rivalries happen every day. One day you'll both look back on this and laugh, realizing that fighting over a guy was pointless and senseless.

@saor_illust school

honestly, cheyenne, i relate, but deep down i do know that they care, and like winter said, it's called tough love. it helps to prepare us for the real world, because even though we know that not everyone is going to be as loving as our parents are going to be, it's oftentimes harder to actually deal with the harsh reality of the real world.



my friend (who i trust a lot) told me my best friend has a crush on me and identifies as a guy and idk what to do or say, but now everything makes sense like the way they're so clingy and they tell me they love me and call me kitten and invite me over to their house and then snuggle up on their bed and i just AGHGYDHSJa what do i DO??????


But idkkkk cause what if she’s noootttttttt and then she knowsssss that I ammmmmmm

find out things abt here first ktngnkth
make sure she's actually bi or questioning and then go to her and just. talk to her and then say smth along the lines of 'listen, i think you're really pretty, and i was wondering if you'd wanna go out sometime"