forum Crushes
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It could just mean you've fallen in love with Pageboy, since the longest a crush can last is four months…

@vidari-is-tired-in-advance group

so a few months ago, this guy dmed me and we started chatting. he was really cool and he was the first guy who's ever really expressed interest in me like that, and i liked him a lot. he wanted to go a lot further than i did in the kind of stuff we talked about, and i ended up going with it because i liked him so much. now its gotten pretty weird pretty fast, and while its not like i'm uncomfortable, this is not how i want to develop a relationship with someone that i like, and i do like him. i haven't talked to him in a few days, and i don't know what to say to him, and i have no iea what to do next. what do i say and is this relationship even worth trying to save?

@Anemone eco

I believe that you should tell him exactly how you feel about what he's saying. And if he persists, then maybe it just wasn't really meant to work out. But definitely tell him what's going on first.

@PurplePartyTiger language

I work at a grocery store and I was doing shopbacks. My crush knows where everything is and I went to go find him to ask him about some seasonal bells. He was closing the liquor department, pulling this really long metal gate out of the wall. For whatever reason I found this to be the most fascinating thing, and I just sat there staring until he looked up and was like, "you need something?"
Embarrassed, I quickly picked up the shopback and awkwardly squeaked "bells."


The thing with Pageboy is. He has broken several promises. There are four I can think of off of the top of my head. I haven't asked about or talked about any of these because I feel like it's just me being a selfish bean because they're all things that are super out of his way that really only be good for me. regardless he made them. and if you make a promise you keep it. I don't even know if he remembers he made those promises. the least he could do is acknowledge that he is not going to be able to fulfill that promise or he could put an effort into keeping it, just the slightest bit of effort would be enough. But alas here we are, he has failed to keep four promises, five if you count one of them.

@GameMaster group

I think I’m doing something wrong because I’m just friends with all my crushes. Like, they didn’t friend zone me. I just…friend zoned myself for them.

@PurplePartyTiger language

I think I’m doing something wrong because I’m just friends with all my crushes. Like, they didn’t friend zone me. I just…friend zoned myself for them.

😬 How does that happen?

Screaming cinnamon roll

The other day I went skiing with my crush (who likes me back, but we're not dating because she's still questioning her sexuality) and on the way home I put my arm around her and she rested her head on my shoulder and I put my head on hers and that was a good day


(Heyo. I created a brand new account to stay anonymous while discussing this subject, so please bear with me.)

I am in like with two people. I have liked one of them for about a year and a half, and another for about half a year.

They could not be more different from each other.

Stringbean vs No-So-Lucid-Dreamer

Stringbean is hella tall (about 6'3"), lanky, and adorably awkward. He has the clearest blue eyes, which sounds like a cliche straight outta fanfiction, but they literally remind me of the sky, sooooo. He's also got some short, blonde hair that looks really fuzzy, and probably is, idk because I haven't touched it. He's always on guard and kinda standoffish when he's not around his friends, not to mention really quiet, but when he's comfortable, it's so much fun to watch him come alive. Especially when he's talking about something he likes. We got on the subject of roller coasters and, oh my god, he's adorable. Oh, and really sassy and sarcastic, but yeah. Speaking of adorable, he's adorably awkward. He rarely knows what to say when it's just us because we're not the closest of friends (though we seem to be getting closer every time we hang out), and lord knows I'm not much help because I'm awkward, too. When we're with our friend group, he sings Into The Unknown as terribly as he can, and cracks stupid jokes, and just, ugh. I could just be delusional, but I almost feel sometimes as if he might be…you, know…into me? But he's also been pretty upfront in the past, saying pretty much directly to me that he didn't think I was attractive., and that he thought I was edgy (understandable—at the time I was super depressed and I made jokes to cope with it) and weird (again, understandable—I call him weird, back). Whatever, old wounds, doesn't really bother me because I'm a lot more confident in my appearance, now (at least, when I'm around him…I'll touch on that more with Not-So-Lucid). Plus, he wasn't saying of it out of spite—he was just awkward and didn't know what to say, and those things happened to be the subject. PS: He also has really, really, really soft hands.

Now, Not-So-Lucid-Dreamer is, for lack of a better word, unpredictable. I fell for him hard and pretty much the moment he walked through the door. As attractive as I find Stringbean, it took a while for me to begin to see him as attractive. I thought Lucid was hot the moment he walked through the door. Not only is he hot, but he's polite and interesting. He's also tall, about 6 foot or so, but he's wiry and muscled. He's got a kind of wild look, always wearing incredibly brightly colored outfits that should not go, but somehow works for him (and I am not the only one who thinks so). He has hazel eyes that sometimes look green, sometimes look brown, and he's got longish hair that sticks out everywhere and is the color of literal dark chocolate. He is not awkward. Or at least, I've never seen him awkward. Where Stringbean is awkward, withdrawn, quiet and standoffish, Lucid is incredibly extroverted, outgoing, loud and inclusive. He talks to anyone and everyone (and flirts with pretty much every girl at the school)… Which is totally fine. I mean, he flirts with me, too. Unfortunately (and I'm not saying this in a way that's meant to be judgemental), he's into drugs and drinking (idk how responsibly or irresponsibly—all I know is he's underage), skipping class and the like. Typical bad boy, tall, dark and handsome persona, except he's still hella polite and he's smart and he gets good grades on the few assignments he actually turns in. I feel semi-comfortable around Stringbean, but Lucid is intimidating, and I think poorly of myself when I'm next to him.

So I don't know what to do. I want to go back to just liking Stringbean, but Lucid is like a drug. Every time I see him I get this burst of adrenaline, and he's so much fun to talk to, and I don't get to talk to Stringbean as much except on Thursdays because of a club we're both in. Besides, it's not so simple to just snap my fingers and stop liking Lucid.


So you may recall that not long ago I posted about how Pageboy broke some promises well, I talked to him about it and told him why I was upset because Communication is important kids. One he apologized profusely, two he expressed a desire to fulfill those promises in the future to the best of his ability, three He said he's going to try to talk to me more so… yah. Communication works , it's a wonderful thing. but that's not to say everything was his fault, I agreed to express my self more and be more open about when I'm upset, because when there is a problem and neither one of the individuals is a jerk, It is a problem caused by both parties. (Again this does not apply if you fall under the category of : Jerk)