forum Crushes
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@soupnana group

Popping in here real quick because I feel like procrastinating.
So that guy I liked, if anyone remembers, is a goner. I don't like him anymore, ha. But now there is this other guy that I'm starting to like, and we argue a lot but jokingly and it's so fun. Problem is, I know he likes someone else, but I don't think she likes him, which is stupid. And then I have an issue with one of my friends crushes. He asked me to prom and he sorta likes me but I don't like him and my friend is super sad because he likes me and not her. So yeah, there's my predicament.


ahhh i texted him song lyrics after my friend gave me his number and I RUINED IT

Deleted user

hi just popping in here cause i want to follow but all my crushes are fictional

That, and kpop idols


This amazing, beautiful, big hearted, sensational person has been the love of my life for 7 years, and when he told me that he loved me back I knew that this was the one. After a whole summer of creek walking and first kisses and telling stories and planning our future, he begins to change and talks to me less and less. Why? Have I done something wrong? Please, stop pulling away, let me a apologize. What happened? I'll change anything to win you back, please! Can't we be how we were?
He'll go days not talking to me, but then he comes back and we spend Christmas and birthdays together. Now he wishes so badly to move, to transfer schools, to get away from everything we ever did together. He told me he loved me, he told me I was his best friend for so long. He cried with me when I thought I was going to lose my Dad both times and he promised he'd be there for me. But he keeps pulling away, and for the life of me, I can't let go. Even after he tells me he doesn't care about my feelings and he never asked for me to love him, I can't stop. I can't stop thinking about how he told me that I take his breath away, or that night he told me I was beautiful, and he asked me to walk to the moon with him. I can't stop thinking about how we would be in college together, travel the world together. How can it be true? For so long he said he loved me. For so long I loved him. And even though I realized it was all a lie; everything he said was a fictional dream; I still can't let go, and my heart breaks over and over, every day.

True story. Dis is meh every day life.


hi just popping in here cause i want to follow but all my crushes are fictional

That, and kpop idols

yes. park jimin

Deleted user

hi just popping in here cause i want to follow but all my crushes are fictional

That, and kpop idols

yes. park jimin

EXO members

Deleted user

Mine flat out didn't get it and friend zoned me after they were told….

I’m really sorry about that. ): That really sucks.

@Kie group

I almost friend-zoned someone but still said no after I found out what they meant. I still feel like an ass for it but whatever I guess.

@Anemone eco

My experience with crushes was really bad in the past. I had a crush on this one person. And then had my heart broken by watching them kiss someone right in front of me. They didn't even know I was hurt or anything because I took all measures possible for them not to know. It was truly awful. Cried a lot. But that's in the past.

Now, I'm just a coward. :)

@Kie group

I've always been a coward. oops.

I had a crush on some kid for like 3 years and I don't know what I was thinking but the minute I moved houses it was like a switch flipped in the back of my head and suddenly I just hated his guts.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Some of you probably saw what I put on the appreciation thread on April 29th…. First is the Wale version (taken from my Wale Head-Canon thread), then the next one is what happened with my crush.

Will: [Locks eyes with Cale.] 🎶🎤Cuz when push comes to shove
I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love🎶🎤

Cale: (Fuck, that's hot…)

Me: (Singing "You'll Be Back" from Hamilton, and makes eye-contact with my crush.) "🎶🎤Cuz when push comes to shove
I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love🎶🎤"

Crush: (Starring at me in awe for a moment.) "Well, when you put it like that…. Let's go!"

Me: [We just brought a Wale moment to life……….]

How freaking awesome is this?!?! I say extremely!!!!

@Kie group

How freaking awesome is this?!?! I say extremely!!!!

That's awesome???!!! All I'm ever able to do is say dumb shit when a crush addresses me and they'll usually just laugh then try and continue the conversation while I sit there mostly silent.

I'm personally waiting for the day when I screw up and instinctively tell a crush that we're getting married as a joke. That'll be interesting to get a reaction to. Maybe I should stop telling people that to avoid any incidents.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

We're both super chill people, run in the same circle of friends, like the same things, and of course were friends before the attraction began.