forum Crushes
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@Elder-God-Whisper work

… So I get to my classroom, my BF follows me and we hang out together for a moment before he has to head to class, and he's giving me little presents every day until Christmas, (against my protests) and so he pulls something out of his pocket, kneels fucking down, and shows me a ring he made and asks, "Will you?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Unfortunately, no… I need this info too

Are you trans? {Asking so I know what pronouns to use lol}

Genderfluid, I'm good with they/them or she/her! Honestly, you could refer to me as a toaster and I wouldn't care XD

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Not with my mother. She prayed to God that he would blow up my PlayStation and she's already thrown our tablets off the balcony. She thinks that anything I do online, or me playing games is satanic. There's nothing anyone can do to fix this…

Okay, I read this, and this is scary, 'cause I thought only my mother was like this….

So I'm not the only one??? Thank the maker above…

IM TRANS TOO omg im not alone in this site!

No I'm not trans… 100% female and gonna stay that way 😂 I have too much going for me, and I like my body. But hey, Trans people are pretty cool.