forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers


i think mia's looking for something more high-quality stuff, but thanks! I'll let you guys know when she gets something she likes :)


My crush is actually an ex that I still like after she broke up with me. The problem? She's lesbian now and I'm a dude. '-' so like…no second chance. rip


I literally have no clue and want to give her some space. I respect her decision if she is. She seems happy around other women and I really just want her to be happy.

@Pickles group

hi loves, its me, loops, back from the dead,,,
do ya'll remember mia? and how im dating her? yeah thats pretty cool but guess what
so she recently told me she feels uncomfortable with her chest even though she knows she's a cis female. i love that and support her and im smuggling her a chest binder for christmas. problem? i have zero knowledge about chest binders. some assistance please?

About this, I think

Deleted user

Ah, I don't know anything about binders. I don't bind 'cause of health problems and no money.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Not with my mother. She prayed to God that he would blow up my PlayStation and she's already thrown our tablets off the balcony. She thinks that anything I do online, or me playing games is satanic. There's nothing anyone can do to fix this…

Okay, I read this, and this is scary, 'cause I thought only my mother was like this….


Some people were complaining about a user causing problems in their roleplays and that user, instead of taking criticism and putting forth an effort to do better, started hurling insults at everyone in the thread, made a second account to defend themself, threatened suicide, made a third account which they then proceeded to say all sorts of horribly racist things on, it got pretty bad and eventually andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) had enough and locked the thread
A new one has since been created