forum Crushes
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And you wouldn’t be able to go back and read it, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) deleted so many reported comments that it doesn’t make much sense anymore

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Not to start Drama, but I've been in contact with said user in question, and they did not make the other accounts. The other two accounts were legit, and not fake. Just saying. (Keep the facts straight people, don't call people liars when they're not.)

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

(No, he said it was someone close to them trying to make it worse, both the other users involved were people they knew IRL, the first was actually tryin' to help, the other was just a $%#@)


I’m not going to hold anything against the guy, I’ve done the same stupid stuff so I can’t really stay mad, but that doesn’t mean what he did wasn’t wrong

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I know they did, but when I read it, I mentally heard a different tone of voice and I've talked to the first user involved since then, and they have improved a little bit with the grammer.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I’m not going to hold anything against the guy, I’ve done the same stupid stuff so I can’t really stay mad, but that doesn’t mean what he did wasn’t wrong

I know, I'm only bringing it up because I'm inclined to believe him with everything that went one, mainly how apologetic he was.

Deleted user



also,,,I think i found a binder for mia and she's really happy!! she's also insisting on paying for it as long as i order so her parents don't see it.

Deleted user

Unfortunately, no… I need this info too

Are you trans? {Asking so I know what pronouns to use lol}

Deleted user

My girl threw up but she just walked up to me, kinda fell in my arms and said "I need a hug" and to say that my heart melted is an understatement

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Not with my mother. She prayed to God that he would blow up my PlayStation and she's already thrown our tablets off the balcony. She thinks that anything I do online, or me playing games is satanic. There's nothing anyone can do to fix this…

Okay, I read this, and this is scary, 'cause I thought only my mother was like this….

So I'm not the only one??? Thank the maker above…

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

My girl threw up but she just walked up to me, kinda fell in my arms and said "I need a hug" and to say that my heart melted is an understatement

That's so sweet!!! If I did that with Elias he would run away screaming saying he can't afford to be sick and leave me alone 😂 but I have a similar story with my idiot. So Elias was being Elias studying for pilot's classes until 3 A.M. (he's big stupid) and he got up at 7. He comes to school and goes I'm so tired, I'm going to do a crazy trust excersise. And the big stupid closes his eyes and starts walking around the hallways at the high school with his eyes closed and I led him around. Then we get to the end of the day and we go to his car and he's like catch, and goes limp. Think like 220 to 240 guy just becoming deadweight for some one literally half his size….

Deleted user

My girl threw up but she just walked up to me, kinda fell in my arms and said "I need a hug" and to say that my heart melted is an understatement

That's so sweet!!! If I did that with Elias he would run away screaming saying he can't afford to be sick and leave me alone 😂

I don't really care tbh I love her lol
I'll take any excuse to hug her <3

Deleted user

Not with my mother. She prayed to God that he would blow up my PlayStation and she's already thrown our tablets off the balcony. She thinks that anything I do online, or me playing games is satanic. There's nothing anyone can do to fix this…

Okay, I read this, and this is scary, 'cause I thought only my mother was like this….

So I'm not the only one??? Thank the maker above…

IM TRANS TOO omg im not alone in this site!

Deleted user

So I'm not the only one??? Thank the maker above…

IM TRANS TOO omg im not alone in this site!

ayeeee me too
