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people_alt 109 followers


(i talked about the fact that i used notebook with my parents kind of casually. i just kind of wanted them to trust me with this so i immediately told them about it.) maybe just tell her that a friend of yours talked about some weird chat to you and you wanted to check it out……yh maybe not i give shit advice sry

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

My mom is an entirely different person. Recently, I've been on a rebellious streak, where I just won't do chores. She says something's wrong with me, I'm not motivated, and it's ungodly. She's like you need to go to therapy. I don't know what's wrong with you. But I do know something's wrong with you. Flash forward to the therapist, I went, and the therapist literally questions me and is like, you're fine, you're just a teenager, but you are very smart. I nod and I was like I knew I was completely normal. Then I told the therapist about my mom, and she was like let me talk to her. So the therapist talks to my mom and suggests therapy for her, and she blows up in the therapist's face. So now she believes that the therapist was stupid, and needs a second opinion on me, when in reality, she's the one who needs therapy, not me.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I do my chores! I've just been slacking because I have too much of them! Normal teenagers are told to clean their room, sweep the floor, maybe do laundry or the dishes. I do all of that. But my mom makes me clean the tub with a toothbrush. Like on my hands and knees, scrubbing it. I cook, I clean, I fix, I do everything and more. She just puts too much on me. Like my normal Saturday is getting up at 8, making and eating breakfast until 9:30, getting dressed and ready by 10, start cleaning the dishes and running the dishwasher until 11:30, then I sweep, vacuum, and steam mop the floors until 1, then I make lunch for everyone, until 2, then I go clean the entire bathroom until 3:30, which consists of scrubbing the tub, floor, sink, and toilet. Then I go upstairs, and sweep, vacuum, and steam mop the floor, until 4:30, and then I clean the entire bathroom up there until 5:30, and then I go back downstairs and make dinner until 7, and then I wash the dishes again from throughout the day until 8, and then I clean my room until 9:30, get a shower and ready for bed at 10:30, and then maybe I'll read or watch tv until 11:30 or 12, and then I just crash, and then get up at 7:30 the next morning to get ready for church, because I play in the band, and I have to be there at 9… I'm just overworked…

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Ehh. It's been my life for the past 7 years. I just have to muscle through it for one more. I'll be fine in the long run. As a matter of fact, it's taught me things not to do, that I will hopefully pass down to my kids. So instead of like I don't know, turning into a pity story, I'm going to make the most out of it so I have one heck of a story to tell my kids one day.