forum Crushes
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Deleted user

COPPA: Children's Online Privacy Protection Act

"The act, effective April 21, 2000, applies to the online collection of personal information by persons or entities under U.S. jurisdiction about children under 13 years of age including children outside the U.S., if the company is U.S.-based. It details what a website operator must include in a privacy policy, when and how to seek verifiable consent from a parent or guardian, and what responsibilities an operator has to protect children's privacy and safety online including restrictions on the marketing of those under 13.

While children under 13 can legally give out personal information with their parents' permission, many websites—particularly social media sites, but also other sites that collect most personal info—disallow children under 13 from using their services altogether due to the cost and work involved in complying with the law."


And it occasionally jumps back on track like right now when I rant about how amazing by Crush is.

So I was being my usual self and I was bored so I compiled a list of "Have a good day" Sayings and of course I sent him the list the entire thing because why not. And then we were having a little conversation and he ranted to me for a bit and I just. Please tell me someone else understands the happiness of when your crush rants to you it's just the best. It was just the randomness stuff all compiled into one rant and It's the most Him thing I've ever read. He's literally amazing and I can not handle these emotions.


OK…I just had the weirdest yet sweetest dream.

So I'm not going to explain anything before the part where my crush shows up- even if you asked. It was super weird- so anyways! I was starting to leave when I hear my name called, and I turn around. He's standing there, being his cute self. But I notice something odd- he's holding four tulips. (Pink purple yellow and I am not sure the other color….) I walk closer to him and he holds out the flowers and I smile and take them. I then hug him to thank him for the flowers, because that's just my personality. SO I pull away from the hug and start to say goodbye- until he takes my hand and pulls me away from (I don't even know where we were he just kinda pulls me out away from the open) and he looks at me and was about to say something and I was listening intently. I mean who wouldn't? BUT Whatever he's about to say gets cut off by my whole family walking in and I panic pulling away from his grip and tell him goodbye. I think it may be because my dad teases all the time that it even messes up my dreams and fantasies… well I guess I'll never know what he was going to say…. sorry I just had to get that written down. You didn't have to read that.


The thing is- he doesn't know I like this guy. He just constantly teases about even liking guys in general. It's a little bit annoying and I just kinda get tired of it.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I understand that. My da (I call him da, weird reasoning, but nonetheless it's heritage, and it's cool to say) messes with me for being engaged. Like I'll be trying to get something off of a high shelf or like doing something where I zone out, and he'll be like well that boy you're so in love with should help you! Or like quit thinking about that boy! He's not going to appear out of nowhere! Do your chores! and I'm just quietly washing the dishes while he rants


Aw, well he sounds super sweet (Your fiance) Is he on here?

No, but sometimes he uses my account. He rarely uses it, but when he does, he'll normally type something in Scottish Gaelic, or in Norse. He's real special.

You're lucky to have him lol

Deleted user

…so my crush knows now i like her…but she doesn't like me back…what do i do??

Deleted user

  1. Trace her collarbone with your finger
  2. Tuck her hair behind her ear
    • Also, just playing with her hair in any way is good
  3. Compliment her. A lot. And if she playfully says "sToOoP," keep. Going.
    • Really compliment her, like, a lot. Even if she doesn't seem to react. It's part of how I got to my girlfriend lol
  4. Help with something. Anything. Like, homework, for example. If she's passionate about, say, say music, help her with a song. I helped my girlfriend with finding things for her cosplay, and she loved it.
  5. Talk with her friends. You don't have to be friends with her friends {if that makes sense lol}, but scoring points with the people she hangs will do a lot.
  6. Eye contact.
  7. If you're feeling confident, blow a kiss {but, like, grin afterwards so it's not creepy} or wink.

Your favorite gay

Deleted user

well considering i have different people im crushing on. all which in fact are girls. i hope im no sounding creepy {since im trans and all}