forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers

@Reblod flag

So I have a situation…
I thought I was ace for a really long time and all my friends were aware of it and then recently I came to the realization that I had a crush on a friend of mine which I thought was impossible. Apparently not. So that took me off guard and at a party my good friends managed to guess the person which meant me having to confront my feelings which took me an entire weekend to recover from (I have a problem with repressing shit). And so I finally came to terms with it and then one of my meddling friends asked my crush who he liked and as it turns out he also had a crush on me. That took me an even longer time to process. And then a few days later he tells me that he found out that she told me and admitted his feelings. In a hurricane of confusion I also confessed but explained that this had never happened and I was a little freaked out so he suggested that we study together before an exam. I agreed but when I got there I sat on the OPPOSITE END OF THE TABLE BECAUSE I'M PATHETIC. Anyway so later in the week after losing sleep on the subject I finally text him to ask why and told him that I wanted to get to know him better (it's always been a little awkward between us even though we interact a lot) and because our squad was going to Italy on exchange we agreed to sit together for the entire 20 hour flight. After this happened I stopped being a twat and the awkwardness went away. Don't get me started on the flight. We played games and watched shows together and slept leaning on each other which was…an experience. The thing is we don't see each other for another two months because we're in different cities which I think is why neither of us brought up the possibility of a relationship and I'm still a little confused about it but now that's a thing. ….so yeah. Honestly before I was hoping that two months not interacting or seeing each other would make those pesky feelings go away but now I'm kinda fine with them.
ANYWAY that's the story of my life. Italy is great by the way but as an Australian it's really fucking cold

Deleted user

The worst part of being bisexual is that you still kind of like boys

That's literally gross

Deleted user

The worst part of being bisexual is that you still kind of like boys

That's literally gross


Boys are nastyyyyyyyyyyy

They're kind of hot though