forum Crushes
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Like, I just love this girl so much.
She’s fucking stunning (pardon my french), and even in uniform she’s got such a soft style and I just want to hug her and hold her hand and ahhhhh
She’s literally, like, perfect. She’s the sweetest thing, and her smile is so awesome, and she only smiles for certain people but like when she does it’s so special. She’s the kindest and softest girl, like oh my gosh, and like I can tell she’s shy and doesn’t really have a huge amount of confidence but I wish so much she could see herself how I see her, she’d see how incredible she is.
My god, what have I become

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Alright. So I have a male friend who swears up and down he's straight. But there is a gay boi who has this massive crush on said straight boi. Straight boi all of a sudden says he's gonna dump his girlfriend and then he said bros before hoes and now he's starting to pay attention to gay boi. The big question is, should I try to get gay boi and straight boi together? Because straight boi I assure you isn't straight anymore because gay boi is paying attention to him.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

True but a lot of people think he's now gay, including Elias, who said he was gonna get the beat squad, and I said DON'T YOU DARE. And I got a "Yes my starlight I won't do anything about this until you say I can." And he's left it alone, but I do get some very questioning looks from him everytime he sees straight boi.

@Pickles group

Oh, UOTST (update on the squish thing): Still haven't talked to him other than him basically saying I'm a bitch in a group setting, and we are far beyond me being "one of his best friends and nothing's going to change that" and "like a sister", which honestly doesn't upset me. What does upset me is his girlfriend is friends with my friend and we all talk so I have to deal with him

Deleted user

Soooooo, I think I might have a crush on one of my friends but she's straight, meaning she's not into a nonbinary piece of shit like meee