forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers


i love her to death but i do like boys but i get hurt by them alot so i started dateing a girl and i love her so much


heh thank you so much so do you like girls or boys

I honestly don’t know, I’ve never had a crush before, but I also never socialize
I’m pretty sure I’m ace though


Well anyway, I’m Ella, as I mentioned I’m a homeschooled 14-year-old, I sometimes draw, and…
I can balance a spoon on my nose?
Yeah that’s basically all there is to know about me

Deleted user

Uhh…I'm Momentia, I turned 15 earlier this month, and…
I also draw? But not as good as Ella…
I consider myself a creative person, too.

Deleted user

I mean, I guess I like guys…
If they bothered to notice me…