forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

anybody else's heart go from (tat tat tat) to (tatatatatatatatatat) in like three seconds randomly??

Why I see Elias acting stupid or doing something dangerous. Or like I can't feel my car keys or my phone in my pocket. Then my heart just stops. But ye, mine just randomly speeds up and slows down

@soupnana group

anybody else's heart go from (tat tat tat) to (tatatatatatatatatat) in like three seconds randomly??

Yesssss but only when he show's up unexpectedly. Like I was in the theater hall once and he kinda just appeared and he was wearing this baby blue sweatshirt and I nearly had a heart attack.


You know when your huge intense crush kinda just dies down and calms down and you're like 'oh good I escaped that one' and everything's cool but then it's like 'SIKE haha you suck' and it just comes back full blast but at the same time you can't do anything because you have no idea of her Sexuality and if she might like girls and so you're kind of back and forth between being low-key in love and just finding her beautiful, and telling yourself to back off and get over it because 1 yikes romance and 2 you don't know if she's straight?