forum Crushes
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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Now that's a problem. But can any of you guys help me? I have a friend who's lesbian, and she recently broke up her girlfriend bcc her girlfriend was being too controlling and abusive. She gave her all her clothes back, and her ex gave her a phone. She tried to give it back, but her ex said to keep it. She did and now her ex is stalking her. I said I'd walk her to class, so her ex would back off, but her ex likes to stalk her when she's at her house. How do I help my friend?

Deleted user

Now that's a problem. But can any of you guys help me? I have a friend who's lesbian, and she recently broke up her girlfriend bcc her girlfriend was being too controlling and abusive. She gave her all her clothes back, and her ex gave her a phone. She tried to give it back, but her ex said to keep it. She did and now her ex is stalking her. I said I'd walk her to class, so her ex would back off, but her ex likes to stalk her when she's at her house. How do I help my friend?

Uh, go to the police

Deleted user


why yes I am


Deleted user


why yes I am


I've expected it for a long time. Plus when your SO moves across country with you and says I'm not leaving, and you can't get rid of me, it realy speaks for itself…


Deleted user

Oh Blurry I followed you on Pinterest, I am Winter with three commando clone troopers as my profile pic 😂

Thanks! I can't find you, do you know your username?

Deleted user

Oh Blurry I followed you on Pinterest, I am Winter with three commando clone troopers as my profile pic 😂

Thanks! I can't find you, do you know your username?

Followed back :D

@soupnana group

Congrats Winter!
I, in the meantime, hugged my crush on Saturday and got a picture with him. And I had a normal conversation with him. And he stabbed me with a pool noodle so I got him back by whacking him multiple times.
And yeah, I get to see him again this friday during work, so yay!

@soupnana group

Thank you! :D I'm very happy with how Saturday's performance and such went. Of course I'm sad that the play is over and I won't see him quite as often, but we work together so I'll see him over the holidays. Yay! I feel closer to him than ever, which i guess isn't that close but I feel as if we are less of strangers and more of acquaintances and I feel like I can talk to him more now. Anywho, that's me. :D (Also, totally unrelated note, but I found a mouse in my closet last night and nearly lost it.)


Thank you! :D I'm very happy with how Saturday's performance and such went. Of course I'm sad that the play is over and I won't see him quite as often, but we work together so I'll see him over the holidays. Yay! I feel closer to him than ever, which i guess isn't that close but I feel as if we are less of strangers and more of acquaintances and I feel like I can talk to him more now. Anywho, that's me. :D (Also, totally unrelated note, but I found a mouse in my closet last night and nearly lost it.)

Yay! I'm glad, I also think me and my crush are getting somewhat close, he seems to be warming up to me at least. (And- oh my gosh!!)

@soupnana group

Thank you! :D I'm very happy with how Saturday's performance and such went. Of course I'm sad that the play is over and I won't see him quite as often, but we work together so I'll see him over the holidays. Yay! I feel closer to him than ever, which i guess isn't that close but I feel as if we are less of strangers and more of acquaintances and I feel like I can talk to him more now. Anywho, that's me. :D (Also, totally unrelated note, but I found a mouse in my closet last night and nearly lost it.)

Yay! I'm glad, I also think me and my crush are getting somewhat close, he seems to be warming up to me at least. (And- oh my gosh!!)

Awww! I'm happy for you! Are you like me and like someone that you're not already good friends with or what? (That's an appropriate response. Mice don't usually scare me but when it's 11:30 at night and you're trying to clean your closet, it can be quite shocking to see a furry brown something scurry across the carpet.)


Thank you! :D I'm very happy with how Saturday's performance and such went. Of course I'm sad that the play is over and I won't see him quite as often, but we work together so I'll see him over the holidays. Yay! I feel closer to him than ever, which i guess isn't that close but I feel as if we are less of strangers and more of acquaintances and I feel like I can talk to him more now. Anywho, that's me. :D (Also, totally unrelated note, but I found a mouse in my closet last night and nearly lost it.)

Yay! I'm glad, I also think me and my crush are getting somewhat close, he seems to be warming up to me at least. (And- oh my gosh!!)

Awww! I'm happy for you! Are you like me and like someone that you're not already good friends with or what? (That's an appropriate response. Mice don't usually scare me but when it's 11:30 at night and you're trying to clean your closet, it can be quite shocking to see a furry brown something scurry across the carpet.)

(yeah not fun, even if I liked mice, I don't want one in my flipping bedroom!)

And no, I'm not really great friends with him. I wanna be though, he's super sweet!