forum Crushes
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@Pickles group

We moved to Ohio and then we went back and visited Milwaukee and Madison, where my sister and I were born. They sent us to some camp and everyone was really mean to us and I hated them

@soupnana group

Thank you! :D I'm very happy with how Saturday's performance and such went. Of course I'm sad that the play is over and I won't see him quite as often, but we work together so I'll see him over the holidays. Yay! I feel closer to him than ever, which i guess isn't that close but I feel as if we are less of strangers and more of acquaintances and I feel like I can talk to him more now. Anywho, that's me. :D (Also, totally unrelated note, but I found a mouse in my closet last night and nearly lost it.)

Yay! I'm glad, I also think me and my crush are getting somewhat close, he seems to be warming up to me at least. (And- oh my gosh!!)

Awww! I'm happy for you! Are you like me and like someone that you're not already good friends with or what? (That's an appropriate response. Mice don't usually scare me but when it's 11:30 at night and you're trying to clean your closet, it can be quite shocking to see a furry brown something scurry across the carpet.)

(yeah not fun, even if I liked mice, I don't want one in my flipping bedroom!)

And no, I'm not really great friends with him. I wanna be though, he's super sweet!

Literally me though. I don't even want a romantic relationship a ton by this point, I just want to be his friend. Ha ha.

@TeamMezzo group

what's worse, just breaking up with someone or liking someone right afterward?

i told him that i liked him
he hasn't said a word to me since.

he has said words! i said "sooo, are we gonna talk about yesterday? because I think i know your answer, and you probably hate me now."
and HE said "listen, just because I don't like you like that doesn't mean that I hate you"
i mean it's still unrequited but like hey he doesn't hate me so that's good


Smart, I should do that at my own school… I never really thought of it- but mine is sorta a big target. I really should preparing for an emergency…

@soupnana group

When you live in a small town that has police stationed at the school constantly but hasn't had anything worse than a guy who was hunting walk by a few blocks away with his rifle.

@Pickles group

Oh joy someone threatened my school again. Everyone is on high alert…

Someone from the junior high "prank called" the police at a dance saying there was someone with a gun. That was last Friday. He was twelve. He's still in custody
honestly, I'm surprised that didn't happen at the high school.

Deleted user

I've been to Altoona! Literally we drove all around Wisconsin. It was only like two hours in Altoona, but we ate at a nice little place. I don't even remember the name tbh.

Oh, really??????? That's amazing lol

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I've been to Altoona! Literally we drove all around Wisconsin. It was only like two hours in Altoona, but we ate at a nice little place. I don't even remember the name tbh.

Oh, really??????? That's amazing lol

I've been really close to a couple people from Notebook and I didn't even know it.

Screaming cinnamon roll

Hey guys, I was on here a few pages ago I don't think anyone remembers, but me and her had a sleep over and !!!!!!!!!! Shes so sweet! she gave me her scrunchie, we snuggled, she wore my sweatshirt and AAAAAHHH. She's so wonderful!!! we made breakfast together in the morning :) I'm probably going to see her in a play tomorrow!

@soupnana group

Me literally counting down the hours till work on Friday when I can see him again. Excited to go to work??? What kind of sorcery is this!?