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@Pickles group

My run down of Ohio:
It's cold
It's hot
It's wet
It's dry
(all in the same day, sometimes within an hour)
There's nothing to do except amusement parks, really, and they're kind of boring honestly
The people here pretend to be nice, all while doing the minimal amount of effort
Everyone's either drunk or super conservative
Nearly all of the teenagers are high
Almost everyone you meet has smoked at some point…ewie
There's not as much corn as you might think, but there's still a lot

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Uh… anyone wanna move to Thailand where the temperatures go up as high as 44 degrees Celsius on a daily basis, occasional and unexpected heavy rain, no winter, low prices, a lot of exotic fruits and foods, and most importantly where I am? Probably not, it sucks here

Most definetly I want to, because:

  1. I prefer lots of heat to lots of cold
  2. I get that here already, used to it
  3. I really don't like winter a lot, it's cold
  4. I like trying new things

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

My run down of Ohio:
It's cold
It's hot
It's wet
It's dry
(all in the same day, sometimes within an hour)
There's nothing to do except amusement parks, really, and they're kind of boring honestly
The people here pretend to be nice, all while doing the minimal amount of effort
Everyone's either drunk or super conservative
Nearly all of the teenagers are high
Almost everyone you meet has smoked at some point…ewie
There's not as much corn as you might think, but there's still a lot

So Indiana, but less corn?

@Pickles group

My run down of Ohio:
It's cold
It's hot
It's wet
It's dry
(all in the same day, sometimes within an hour)
There's nothing to do except amusement parks, really, and they're kind of boring honestly
The people here pretend to be nice, all while doing the minimal amount of effort
Everyone's either drunk or super conservative
Nearly all of the teenagers are high
Almost everyone you meet has smoked at some point…ewie
There's not as much corn as you might think, but there's still a lot

So Indiana, but less corn?


@Pickles group

Oh yeah, and the I insert silhouette of state used in place of heart whatever you want it to be, I'm sure there's one shirts and buttons and mugs, but it makes more sense than when West Virginia tries to do it because Ohio is actually kind of heart shaped

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Indiana… Been there. Sorry, but not impressive. Though i might be biased because I caught a potentially fatal pneumonia that made me stay in the hospital for three days, which included a stay in the Intensive Care Unit (like, all the other kids there were in comas) and I didn't fully recover until a few years later.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

So basically me living in South Carolina, and having lived in Alaska, Indiana isn't even a state, but they sure have a nice racecar track

I laughed. So hard. XD

Just being honest 😂 I know absolutely nothing about Indiana.

You know about as much as me then XD
There isn't anything really to know

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

So basically me living in South Carolina, and having lived in Alaska, Indiana isn't even a state, but they sure have a nice racecar track

I laughed. So hard. XD

Just being honest 😂 I know absolutely nothing about Indiana.

You know about as much as me then XD
There isn't anything really to know

What's the weather like in Indiana?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

So basically me living in South Carolina, and having lived in Alaska, Indiana isn't even a state, but they sure have a nice racecar track

I laughed. So hard. XD

Just being honest 😂 I know absolutely nothing about Indiana.

You know about as much as me then XD
There isn't anything really to know

What's the weather like in Indiana?

All of the above. I'm serious- we go from blizzards to heat emergencies to droughts to monsoon level rain.
All in the same year.
And that's a good, mild year.


(OK but I just remembered my friend and I were getting ready to leave, and he stopped us and asked why we hung out so much, or if we were related. We both said no, but of course, she, my friend, says plane as day we're dating- so and continued to embarrass me in front of him- not having a clue I totally like him…. lucky me…)