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people_alt 109 followers

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I think so. There's also supposed to be tarantulas larger than dinner plates. Gonna be fun trying to get rid of them if they get in the house. sighs The snakes I'm not gonna mind so much. Though, I can't wait to see the Rosies!

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I think so. There's also supposed to be tarantulas larger than dinner plates. Gonna be fun trying to get rid of them if they get in the house. sighs The snakes I'm not gonna mind so much. Though, I can't wait to see the Rosies!



Someone from Australia had told me they could, I wasn't going to doubt them until I was proven wrong. You know, because I really don't want my face teared off… but hey, if they ain't, they ain't!

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Someone from Australia had told me they could, I wasn't going to doubt them until I was proven wrong. You know, because I really don't want my face teared off… but hey, if they ain't, they ain't!

AHAHAHAHA! Okay, the fact they're a local clears things up. Yeah, they probably told you the "rip your face off" thing, because the locals like to mess with people with the whole "koalas are dangerous, and watch out for Drop Bears, vicious, meat eating koalas."

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Spiders are the spawn of Satan and no one can change my opinion on that.

My Bf had a pet tarantula, but then he lost it in his house and I'm sad I won't get to meet it. Then he has two pet snakes living in his basement, one of wich has an extremely long name that I can only remember the last one, which was "Esquire"….