forum Crushes
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@CasiCasino group

I won’t argue that she’s cute and all that but I seriously can’t deal with her personality. I’m gonna die around her I think.

Oh yeah, did I mention that she’s also a bit of a yandere and is threatening me? Oh, no I didn’t, now you know.

@CasiCasino group

Yeah, she’s threatening my club though, not me as an individual. It helps that she’s in the student council so I don’t know when my literature club’s gonna go swoosh… which would probably break me, killing me… mentally at least

She might end up hurting me physically as well, I don’t know

@CasiCasino group

I’ll try my best to avoid her but working as the Literature Club’s Public Relation Officer really doesn’t help.

Also, don’t worry too much, I’ll be fine
proceeds to send mental hug to Swimmy

@CasiCasino group

Hi, IriDes here,
So Relsey…
This is the hole where I’ve been in since Silver and Coral have been flirting and I can see that you’ve decided to come down so I would just like to say…
Welcome… ‘cause once you come in…
you can’t go out

Deleted user

People with curly hair are dangerous because you're automatically attracted to them so then you have to decide if they're actually cute or if they just have curls

Change my mind

@Elder-God-Whisper work

That's an oof. At least it isn't the trap called engagement! 😂 I'm currently in that boat and loving every stupid moment of it

Yeah, me too, pretty much. I was saying yesterday how I can't stand the heat and love the cold, and my BF looks at me with this look on his face, like, "Okay, you're screwed when we go to Australia." (He's dragging me back to his home country in several years to live there….)

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

That's an oof. At least it isn't the trap called engagement! 😂 I'm currently in that boat and loving every stupid moment of it

Yeah, me too, pretty much. I was saying yesterday how I can't stand the heat and love the cold, and my BF looks at me with this look on his face, like, "Okay, you're screwed when we go to Australia." (He's dragging me back to his home country in several years to live there….)

I love the cold! Me and my SO moved from Alaska to South Carolina, and it has been terrible. Now Australia, that's too hot. And with everything that wants to kill you, it's starting to rival Alaska 😂

Deleted user

lol, I hear there's a season where everything's covered in spiders' webs.