forum Crushes
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The only thing is- my friend's younger sister (we're both assuming) likes him. They hang out a lot, but then again he is really popular- but…not. So I think a lot of girls like him.

@CasiCasino group

inhales and claps hands together once

I wanna complain about someone who was my crush.

I’ve had a crush on one girl for five years and I did confess to her.
Her response was;
“No, you’re not worth my time”

Of course, I was fricking devastated but I quickly recovered when I met my girlfriend. (Luv ya Swimmy ❤️)

Here’s the catch.
After I met my girlfriend and people in my life started to know about it, that woman also knew about it.

The thing is, she was developing a crush on me as well and just last night… she confessed to me, knowing full well that I have a special someone in my life.

So… you all should be able to guess what my response was :)

Easy to say I “broke her heart” but…

@Pickles group

Oh, update on the squish dude
So. Probably no one remembers, but once he told me he treats me and like, three other girls all the same and he flirted with one for a while and thought he might like one. Well, turns out he also flirted with the other one, she said on Snapchat or something that she didn't like him anymore (which I didn't know she did in the first place) and that he was like a brother. Flash forward to now, a month or so later, they're basically dating (they claim they aren't, but… It's obvious even to me) and spending all their time with each other. I'm talkin band competitions, football games (which is definitely not allowed cause they're in different sections), parties that only one was invited to, dinner, other meals, driving each other everywhere
And yeah. Still haven't really talked to him. Still kinda makes me angry when I think about it sweet petunias I'm petty

@CasiCasino group

(Love you too~)

And Holy Jesus.
"Not worth her time?!" I have many things to say about that…

I don’t know how and why I had a crush on her.
Nowadays she’s just kind of a b____… who’s also trying to win me the best she can, going over the limit as hiring my colleagues (not any of my best friends, they were with me and nice af) to persuade me into liking her.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Love you too~)

And Holy Jesus.
"Not worth her time?!" I have many things to say about that…

I don’t know how and why I had a crush on her.
Nowadays she’s just kind of a b____… who’s also trying to win me the best she can, going over the limit as hiring my colleagues (not any of my best friends, they were with me and nice af) to persuade me into liking her.

That's not okay. At all.I'm kinda happy I'm not there because I think I would have gotten very b-tchy to her myself…

@CasiCasino group

When you say hopeless romantic, this girl is hopeless and shameless romantic which I very much dislike.

So now she’s just being a nuisance yelling
“You will regret turning me down! I’m better than whoever you are with in every way!”
Which… I highly disagree…
(Honestly though, I still question myself why I had a crush on her… :/)

Apparently she thinks that successfully forcing me to kiss her meant I fell for her ._.