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@Elder-God-Whisper work

He was literally looking up galaxy themed wedding stuff on the computer while he called me last night. And we decided we'll get married when he's 21 because every good wedding needs champagne.

(And iz okay. I'm used to being sad)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Well, it was kind of a gradual thing, like he'd just mention it off hand now and again like, "When we get married, who'd take who's last name, 'cause I like my chosen last name Stars." (we came to the conclusion, we'll combine to Nottincott-Stars, a combination of our preferred last names), but last night we were discussing about how I was in the eye doctor's office with him last night and I couldn't go into the office with him because HIPPO laws and I said, "I never could go in with you to any doctor's office until we got married- you know, like, if that ever happened…." And he's like, "Yeah, other than Planned Parenthood, but I totally want to marry you and I wanna get married kinda young." And we came to the conclusion we'll marry when he's 21 because CHAMPAGNE! And he was looking up galaxy themed wedding stuff and he was trying to describe the kind of tux he'd wear and the kind of dress I'd wear. AND I'M JUST SO HAPPY!!!


Kinda random, but today he was wearing mismatched socks… Which, since he does that stuff all the time, didn't really phase me until I got a good look at them. Scratch that—I didn't notice what was up with them until he explained it to me. Basically… One was covered in a bunch of bananas, and the other, donuts. He stared at me until I got it, the dorkiest look on his face as he waited for me, a dense kid with the mentality of a five-year-old, to understand what he, another kid with the mentality of a five-year-old, was implicating. "Get it?"

He's so immature………………………………………………….and I don't know why I find it endearing.

@soupnana group

Speaking of socks, the guy I like is supposed to wear tights under his pants for his costume and for some reason he wears his socks UNDER the tights. Like, you can see the superman logo through them and our choir teacher and director kept telling him to not wear socks under his tights and he just shrugged and was like, "Hey! I've stopped!" Ha ha!
(If you're wondering what type of costume he's wearing, look at this picture and see for yourself)
(Note this is a picture from broadway.)

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Are y'all old enough to be married?

I mean I'm engaged, but I'm 16, I know people are gonna freak out, but I've known my SO for 6 years, and he's a genunine idiot. Plus, he moved across country with me and my family, and we lived together in Alaska soooooooo and we've been through hell and back, together so there's that

Deleted user

Are y'all old enough to be married?

I mean I'm engaged, but I'm 16, I know people are gonna freak out, but I've known my SO for 6 years, and he's a genunine idiot. Plus, he moved across country with me and my family, and we lived together in Alaska soooooooo and we've been through hell and back, together so there's that
